My story

4 minute read time.

I joined the gym in August 2009, with the intention to get fit and tone up.  I had previously been a member of gyms but found it very hard to stay focussed and motivated, and would find myself dropping out after a year.  I wasn’t sure that this time round would be ant different.  I work full-time as a nurse, so started by going 3 times a week before or after a shift. Workouts would normally be 45 minutes before I would get bored and head for the door. Six months into it, the gym manager suggested trying some of the classes to give me some variety. As nervous as I was, I was determined to give it a go.

  Two years on, I have run a Half marathon, got bundles more confidence, and have met some great people through taking part in exercise classes (spinning, circuits, body conditioning), and using the gym.  Its no longer a chore to get up and exercise, it’s a part of my life!

  In August this year I discovered a lump under my arm and 3 weeks later, just after my 30th birthday, I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (cancer of the lymph glands).  The dreaded ‘C’ word that everyone hopes they never have to hear. I felt like my world had come crashing down.  I was told I would have to have a course of chemotherapy over a 6 month period, during which I would not be able to work due to the risk of picking up virus/infections. The Specialist nurse talked me through all the side effects of the treatment: hair loss, nausea/vomiting, fatigue, mouth ulcers...  I immediately started to picture 6 months of misery.  One of the burning questions I had was whether I could continue to exercise. I was relieved to have positive response, and was advised that people who exercise tend to cope better with chemotherapy.  Although, my energy levels may be significantly lower, impairing my ability to carry out strenuous exercise.

  I threw myself into exercise in the lead up to chemo, if for no other reason I found it helped me to clear my head.  Having been a regular gym user, I had got to know the manager of the gym, Sam, fairly well, and I felt able to confide in him about my diagnosis.  I felt sure that there would be many ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ once treatment started and I was concerned that like family and friends, Sam may offer ‘take it easy’ warnings, when what I really wanted to hear was encouraging words that would give me some hope of being able to keep some normality in my life.  

  On the 16th September I had my first chemotherapy session.  My treatments were once every two weeks, so I filled my time with socialising with family and friends, and exercise.  I gave up circuits and spinning classes once chemo had started, as feared that it would be too hard.  I felt very much like I had lost my way, but continued to feel fairly well during and after chemo sessions and exercise was my coping mechanism, and i was as determined as ever to keep it up.

  In October, Sam asked if I was interested in taking part in a Spinathon at the leisure centre.  Although it was only for a half hour period, my initial thought was that It would be too intense and I would struggle. I was reassured that I could have little or no resistance on the bike if I wanted.  And so I signed up.  I surprised my self that morning, I was able to maintain a good pace with resistance, and  following a conversation with Sam, felt able to give Spin classes another go. 

  From then onwards, I have done 5-6 exercise classes a week: spin classes, fit-ball, and body conditioning.  The instructors were told of my diagnosis for health and safety reasons, and the help and support I received from every one of them has been amazing!  I have learnt not to have such high expectations of myself.  Exercise has helped with nausea, preventing weight gain, and my emotional well-being.

  The one message that I want to share with everyone affected by cancer is that anything is possible if you put your mind to it, and seek the right help and advice from experts.  Research that shows exercise can significantly reduce side effects of chemotherapy, all you need to do is be positive and realistic about what you are able to achieve.  I am currently half way through my treatment and can honestly say I have suffered minimal side effects from chemo, and have remained physically and mentally strong.  I have been able to continue to live life to the full, work being the only thing I have had to give up during treatment.  

  I am due to complete treatment at the end of February next year.  And have already signed up for a 10k run in May for cancer research.  I am very lucky to have amazing support from family and friends, and am also very thankful to Sam and the fitness team at the leisure centre, they may never know just how much they have helped me over the last few months.  Exercise will always be a part of my life, and I hope that later this year I will be able to complete another half marathon.  And who knows, in the not too distant future, I may enter for my first marathon.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Smiler,

    Now thats what I call someone doing something that she beleives in. You sound very positive and strong willed, And with Sams help I hope to be reading sometime next year that you have completed your first Marathon. GO FOR IT GIRL.  All the best and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Bugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Yes Smiler very good.Good luck to you!! xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Smiler, I have Mesothelioma and thought I would never enter my gym again but like you say if you can stay positive and fit It helps in the long term,I swim at least 20 length's of our pool at least 5 days a week and I can honestly say I feel so much better after each workout. I used to be a keen runner 3hrs 05min my best marathon but I now enjoy the swim just as much. Hope you can eventually do a marathon and don't take any notice of anyone who mention's " THE WALL" If you can't climb over it then just run through it .

    Take care John

  • Hi Ms Smiler,

    Reading your post has really encouraged me - I get to know what my chemo regimen will be tomorrow and having read your blog I hope I too can continue to exercise. You hear a lot about the side effects so its nice to hear from someone who has been there and found a way to improve the situation.

    I wish you all the best for the end of February

    Thank you


  • FormerMember

    Thank you everyone for your comments!!

    All the best for the start of you treatment Gregm. Hope that you find some benefit from exercise.  Take care.