Dad's first chemo...

1 minute read time.

Yesterday went well and i am really proud of my dad :)

Went for his first chemo for SCLC.  He had a saline flush, then antibiotic, then another flush, then anti sickness Dexamethasone and Domperidone, then a flush, then Carboplatin, flush, Etoposide, flush and then home.  He was sat there munching on bacon frazzles with a cup of tea chatting to the woman in the next chair bless him.  The ward area was really nice and cheerful which was nice and the staff were really warm and friendly.  He got lots of tablets to take home with him, including both of the anti sickness, anti biotics and more of the Etoposide chemo for today and tomorrow.  It took me ages to work out a schedule so we know which tablets to have when, whether before or after food, before 3pm or 5.30pm etc. so i've created a colour coded spreadsheet and written on all the boxes so we don't get it wrong!  He ate well last night and feels fine today which is good, probably won't last but lets hope it does!!  I bought him a lovely present yesterday, a large plastic mop bucket for beside his bed, what a loving daughter I am!! :)

Today will be a good day :) x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Molly

    Still awaiting biopsy results for mum so hearing about your first chemo experience is helping to prepare me for hers, gotta say I never thought there would be that many different meds involved so would like to thank you for the heads up there - going to borrow your spreadsheet idea as well.

    So not only are you a great daughter you are also an inspiration to others.

    Hugs and best wishes

    Helen x