Every Journey Begins With A Single Step...

  • HR-Your Chance to Be A Ladyboy For Free


    Copied over from another of my Blogs--

    The Influence Of Appendages & Attire......

    Posted by johnoconnor

    Hi Mate,

    I have been there an have all the tee shirts - the hormones, the menopause symptoms and the RT - here if you need any thoughts or advice ?

    Only thing that springs to mind - from bitter experience - is ask about RT to the Nipples pre hormone injections !!  - Wish I had known about it - they get…

  • The Influence Of Appendages & Attire......


    Worried and fearful as to what the meeting with the Consultant would bring and after tossing and turning for what seemed an eternity,my wife eventually got up around 3am and spent the pre-dawn hours watching the hands of the clock as they relentlessy but so slowly made their repeating journey around the dial.

    Tick by tick by tick.

    Luckily I slept soundly and knew none of this until I made by way downstairs…

  • Would Like To See You..


    Telephone call received yesterday from the main man's secretary..

    My standing and importance has obviously improved as usually I'm notified by post that my appointment 'at the clinic of' is at a date a couple of weeks in the future.

    ''Mr.Main Man would like to see you on Wednesday''

    Appointment made so tomorrow is my 'This is your life' day!'





  • Defrosting in the microwave..


    Arrived scrubbed up  and polished and in good time for my MRI this evening.

    On replying in the negative to the questions about having any recent deposits of metal in my body or to ever having any metal objects enter my eyes, I was relieved of the Pink Floyd CD that I had bought to be played through the supplied earphones and introduced to the cylindical capsule of the MRI scanner that took up half of the scanning room…

  • In The Post Today..


    Nothing medically to report but today my luck changed for the better!!!!

    I received a letter from a Mrs. Grace Wu,a private investment  wbanker

    Apparently some donut with my surname instructed her to lodge $21 Million in some Chinese bank to be used for an investment in  some business or other.

    6 years later the Bank reported to her that the funds remained untouched and when she investigated further it turned out that…