Would Like To See You..

Less than one minute read time.

Telephone call received yesterday from the main man's secretary..

My standing and importance has obviously improved as usually I'm notified by post that my appointment 'at the clinic of' is at a date a couple of weeks in the future.

''Mr.Main Man would like to see you on Wednesday''

Appointment made so tomorrow is my 'This is your life' day!'





  • FormerMember

    10.30 am is the appointed time so I'll have plenty of time to form that mental image before your flight..

    Will ensure that head is well below the parapet on the 8th!

    Wife is busy selecting me some clothes for tomorrow as apparently,and I'm sure that not many people know this, your choice of wardrobe can make a difference to your prognosis--so guess that if I'd have been suited and booted when I first went to my GP instead of being in shorts and 'T' shirt, I'd be 'cured' by now-LOL.

    Only been on a handful of flights but the best bit for me has always been when I can hug terra firma on arrival.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Reaperfighter

    Nice to read your not a grim reaper, have chuckled  more than once :)

    I too will cross my fingers for you and everything else available, legs perminently crossed once I get on here, think Im now refered to as the Tena Lady.

    Good luck


  • FormerMember

    Thanks guys for all your good wishes.

    Off now to cook dinner--no concessions made in our house--the off to watch our local team in the Carling Cup [Probably their one and only game in this competition this year!]

    Catch up later.

  • FormerMember

    Good luck with the appt tomorrow.  Like everyone else will be keeping things crossed.

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Good luck my friend, hope it's good news. I dont think he would rush you in to give you bad news.

    Fingers crossed.
