Would Like To See You..

Less than one minute read time.

Telephone call received yesterday from the main man's secretary..

My standing and importance has obviously improved as usually I'm notified by post that my appointment 'at the clinic of' is at a date a couple of weeks in the future.

''Mr.Main Man would like to see you on Wednesday''

Appointment made so tomorrow is my 'This is your life' day!'





  • FormerMember

    will be thinking of you and crossing various appendages... I'm going on a plane tomorrow which is guaranteed instant death in my eyes so will have most things crossed already... So easy to add you in.. Eyes maybe??

    I usually do a big psycho panic headspinning blog before mine so I am impressed with yours and duck for mine coming your way soon!

    Good luck and let us know what the big man says...

    Little My xxx

  • FormerMember

    Good luck reaperfighter, would it be possible to take someone with  you - that way, whatever is said will be taken in by two instead of one.  The feeling reminds me of when I was a child and headmaster called me to his office - I was always petrified irrespective of what was going to be said - that feeling never leaves us.  Please let us know how you get on.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi LM

    Thanks for the crossing of various appendages!

    If you tell me the time of your flight then at that exact time tomorrow, I will try to conjure up a graphic mental image of you with appendages suitably crossed,bum cheeks gripping hold of the seat and knuckles brightly shining a brilliant white through gripping the arm rests as the plane rumbles down the runway for take off !!

    PS.Looking forward to your 'psycho panic headspinning blog!'

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann

    With my  'problems down below'  your nickname of 'nutcracker' bought a  twinge 'down there' and made me unconsciously cross my legs-LOL!

    Yes,going in mob handed!

    Taking son along as well as better half tomorrow just in case either of us miss anything--plus that'll be one less to try and explain whatever's said to!!

    As I generously allow my wife to do all the worrying for me,I am less apprehensive than I probably should be as to what information I will receive tomorrow but as I sit surrounded by copies of 'Hello' and 'Home & Gardening' tomorrow morning I dare say that a butterfly or three will be fluttering around my tummy..

  • FormerMember

    1.50pm tomorrow your time I would be sh*tting myself I could, but its a case of filling my bag instead haha. just one point for your mental image... my bum cheeks aren't gripping anything these days... though knucles will be white as the driven snow.... Got nervous when you started writing about planes tumbling down... ha ha. Ah well, why am I worrying about cancer getting me, when there are planes to board!!

    What time do i need to start crossing bits for you?

    You don't want to read my pre appointment blog, really you don't... unless you want to see inside the head of a mad woman... some have not come out alive.... though not for a couple of weeks yet. Scans on 31st.. results with consultant 9th.. so duck on the 8th if I was you....

    Good luck and hope you get news you want to hear....

    Little Myxxx