In The Post Today..

1 minute read time.

Nothing medically to report but today my luck changed for the better!!!!

I received a letter from a Mrs. Grace Wu,a private investment  wbanker

Apparently some donut with my surname instructed her to lodge $21 Million in some Chinese bank to be used for an investment in  some business or other.

6 years later the Bank reported to her that the funds remained untouched and when she investigated further it turned out that the donut investor had only gone and got himself killed in a hiking accident in mainland China.

Not only that but he died intestate and now Mrs. Wu wants to do a deal with me to share these unclaimed bucks-10.5 million bucks each !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh course, to save her getting into trouble all of this must remain confidential and I mustn't tell anyone about it-not even the people on here on here!!

Now there may well be those of you reading this that will be Doubting Thomases but I know it's the genuine article for the following reasons..

The writer has a Chinese name
Her address is in Chinese characters
She's given me a real email address to contact her.
The letter has only taken 5 weeks to reach me since she wrote it.
I know that she is a real banker because she saved money when posting this letter by using a second class stamp.
There are a number of elementary spelling mistakes within the letter that only  a real Chinese person when writing in another language would make and I also know for a fact that the Chinese authorities do not permit the use of spell ckeckers on any computer used in China!

                                     Wahoooo!! I'm in the money,I'm in the money!!

The sad thing about these scam letters [And emails] is that these con people work on the numbers game-if they send out enough of this drivel there will always be some susceptable soul out there that will be suckered in and will lose their hard earned cash to these vermin.


  • FormerMember

            ''...the kids all had a Macdonald's tonight''

    LOL-You gotta be the millionaire if you can buy that number of Macdonalds!!

  • FormerMember

    Have you seen how cheap a Macdonald's is? Mind you, it's for a reason, I had one once when I was on a business trip and had to stop for something to eat and the only thing my driver (junior colleague) could find was a MAcD's.  Never again...

    We did share a common liking for Rap and Hip Hop so the trip wasn't altogether painful!  Though when we pulled up outside the place we were going for the meeting, it was like a scene from Boys in the Hood, with the music blasting out and the car rocking because we were dancing in our seats.  Scared the people we were meeting into submission!

    I can see them tutting now and saying 'the Civil Service has changed...'

    I told my daughter about how I'd met a millionaire online and she's going to help me with the begging letter.  She may even send her own.  She's on here too (BT girl).  Watch out for her, you can tell she's around by the subtle aroma of Marmite...

    Thanks for making us laugh,

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    haha my dad had a similar letter last summer,from someone in New York? claiming to know that my dad had 'inherited' a very comfortable amount of money,and that it also needed to be kept 'confidential'...."Hmph" he said..."only one place for this then" up the stairs he went,practically force-feeding his paper shredder the letter...we did chuckle afterwards,bless him.

    Nikki x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ann one kiss

    '' She's on here too (BT girl).  Watch out for her, you can tell she's around by the subtle aroma of Marmite..''

    Let's have a quick poll on this.

    Coffee has an aroma

    Freshly baked baked bread has an aroma


    Marmite just smells yukky!

    ..and as for putting it anymore near your mouth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • FormerMember

    I tend to agree, but she's an addict and I enable her.  I console myself with the thought that at least it's full of vitamins, and she did eat a lot of it when she was on chemo, so the extra vitamins probably did her good!

    I'll take the coffee and the bread any day of the week though!

    Ann x