Defrosting in the microwave..

3 minute read time.

Arrived scrubbed up  and polished and in good time for my MRI this evening.

On replying in the negative to the questions about having any recent deposits of metal in my body or to ever having any metal objects enter my eyes, I was relieved of the Pink Floyd CD that I had bought to be played through the supplied earphones and introduced to the cylindical capsule of the MRI scanner that took up half of the scanning room.

I was instructed to lie on the scanners 'bed' which extended like a tongue from the opening of the decompression chamber type apparatus.

As soon as my head lay on the pillow,Rosa Klebb and her twin sister  swiftly plonked the earphones over my ears and secured me to the bed from chest to ''down below'' with several loose fitting padded straps with velcro ends.A rubber bulb was placed in my left hand and I was told that this was a panic button for me to communicate with Rosa if I had a problem at anytime when inside the belly of the beast.As Rosa ended this advice with a barely concealed snigger I realised that this was no panic button for my benefit but an indicator to them if i needed to press it for them to increase the power of the machine to an even more unbearable level!

Only because I was disadvantaged by laying on my back were these two women able to encase me in preparation for being devoured by their electronic contraption and to complete their sadistic preparation they turned on the earphones and began to play a Robbie Williams album to me.

Being on true stiff upper lip stock I gritted my teeth and would not allow myself to show the pain that this was inflicting through my ears.

Seeing that playing Robbie Williams was having no apparent effect they then played their most dastardly card--they played my Pink Floyd 'Dark Side Of The Moon' CD to me at such a low volume that it was nigh on inaudible!.

Truly their torture techniques knew no bounds!

In the full knowledge that I was now suffering as few had suffered before, they slid me into the scanner and just as Harry Palmer was bombarded by 'White Noise' when imprisoned in a suspended metal box during his investigation of the 'Ipcress File' they began assaulting my senses with measured doses of a repetitive and monotonous pulsed noise.

Again and again 'Dong,dong,dong,dong,dong,dong' hammered into my senses as they attempted to break me but taking a leaf from Harry Palmer where he grinds a piece of metal painfully into his hand to provide his brain with a distraction from the ever more invasive white noise, I began to force the only part of my body that was not secured,my toes, hard against the metal sides of the enclosure hard enough to eventually snap the bones in each one.First the right foot and then the left but relentlessly the noise continued and all the time I was being inched further and further intside this carniverous abomination.


Fantasy time over.

What really happened was that I Arrived scrubbed up and polished and in good time for my MRI this evening.

On replying in the negative to the questions about having any recent deposits of metal in my body or to ever having any metal objects enter my eyes, I was relieved of the Pink Floyd CD that I had bought to be played through the supplied earphones and introduced to the cylindical capsule of the MRI scanner that took up half of the scanning room.

I was instructed to lie on the scanners 'bed' which extended like a tongue from the opening of the decompression chamber type apparatus.

Rosa the two young radiographers grabbed me from behind asked me to lie on the bed and lightly placed a couple of light bands over me and requested that I place my arms by my side and that I should keep as still as possible whilst the scanner performed it's task.

The 'Dong,dong' noise was there but only at a medium loud volume and was interspersed with periods of near silence.

It does seem to be an eternity when you are in there but in reality it's only a very small period of time.

It put me in mind of defrosting on a low setting in the microwave the way the imager comes on and 'dongs' then goes off and then drones on again.

I was soon 'spat out' by the scanner and sent merrily on my way.

Now it's a 7-10 day wait I understand--hate all this waiting--until the main man's associate deems it time to reveal all.



  • FormerMember

    Hi reaperfighter,

    Thanks for the giggle... (and reminding me what I have got in stall for me when I get back from my hols).. can't wait now ha ha

    My last one was actually like your first account! We don't get to bring in CD's. You have a very small list to choose from...I asked for calming classical and they forgot to change it from the satanic madman before me.... Very loud rap music with me shouting at them to change it everytime the intercom came on for them to say hold your breath... nearly squeezed the bulb!

    Good luck with the results - hate the waiting too... perhaps you could defrost the microwave to pass the time?

    Little My x

  • FormerMember

    Hi LM

    Thanks for your response

    When making the appointment I had to fill in a double sided A4 sheet of questions.Side one required answers about weight & details of recent ops,pacemakers and implants etc.whilst the other page gave me a list of some 20 or so CD's to select from or the choice to 'bring your own'.

    When my CD was played through the 'phones to me it really was that quiet that it was virtually inaudible and that was before the 'Donging' commenced!

    As for the intercom,well, Rosa could have been reading the weather forcast to me as opposed to what might well have been important instructions for all I knew [was I told to hold my breath?]  as it was delivered  at the same inaudible level as my  Pink Floyd classic!

  • FormerMember

    Sounds like the experience of a lifetime...   I've never had an MRI, but it's on my to-do list!  Music too, mind you Robbie Williams, no sorry, Pink Floyd?  Is that really allowed?

    When I had my twins nearly 25 years ago, they came into the world accompanied by Boy George singing 'Do you really want to hurt me'.  Appropriate or what!  I try to avoid background music now...

    In case you're wondering why I'm so keen to have an MRI, my daughter and I have a competition about who has the most things done.  She wins hands down on the surgery front, unless I count my gall-bladder and appendix (which I can't as they weren't cancer related) but so far, I win on the tests as I've had x-rays, CT scans and a PET scan, not to mention a lovely lung biopsy procedure done under sedation!  By the way, I recommend that one.  No, not the biopsy, the sedation!  Feels great!  The biopsy was a bit S**t!

    My daughter has had so many MRIs and CTs over the last few years (she has brain cancer), that I've actually lost count!  But that's still only 2 tests, so, I still win the 'tests' competition hands down!

    As for LM and her 'Classical' music, how pretentious is that!?  Personally I like a bit of Rap and Hip Hop and as I now have the latest Eminem, I might break the habit of a lifetime and take it with me to chemo to drown out all the bleeps from all the various drips that are set up in the unit.

    At least you can strike off the MRI now, but as I've noted the other tests you've had, you don't get to enter our competition, because I'm not letting you win!

    Good luck with the results, I'll be keeping things crossed for you!

    Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Hi LM

    From your post above..

    ''I asked for calming classical and they forgot to change it from the satanic madman before me.... Very loud rap music with me shouting at them to change it...''

     you have omitted  putting the 'C' in front of the type of very loud music that was initially played to you in error. LOL!


    Hi Ann One Kiss,

    That's quite a journey you've made with ''music''  from Boy George to CoffeeRap & clip clop!

    Pink Floyd allowed!! Give it a go [needs to be a little on the loud side mind to really be appreciated in my opinion but there again my hearing ain't that good!

    waits for slap from Admin!

    For those of you who might be like me and struggle to hear the lyrics some times..

    Breathe lyrics

    Breathe, breathe in the air

    Don't be afraid to care

    Leave but don't leave me

    Look around and chose your own ground

    For long you live and high you fly

    And smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry

    And all you touch and all you see

    Is all your life will ever be

    Run, run rabbit run

    Dig that hole, forget the sun,

    And when at last the work is done

    Don't sit down it's time to dig another one

    For long you live and high you fly

    But only if you ride the tide

    And balanced on the biggest wave

    You race toward an early grave.

    Ah,you just can't beat music from 40 years ago!!!

  • FormerMember

    Ho Ho-just noticed the steaming tea cup that has replaced a 'C' in my post above.