Totally Overwhelmed

1 minute read time.

My 80 year old step dad, who is like a father to me, has terminal lung cancer and I live overseas. My mum died five years ago I've come back along with my partner to care for him. He was in a dreadful state when we arrived but having people here to make meals, take him to hospital appointments  get his pain relief sorted out etc etc has made a big difference. 

I am so conflicted because I love him dearly and obviously want him to have as long as possible with us, but at the same time we've had to lock up our house and leave it, take unpaid indefinite time away from our work, and basically leave our lives indefinitely and I wake up every day with a feeling of being unable to cope and wanting to go home. He is understandably angry and difficult which makes me very anxious. I have a brother and sister who live nearby and do drop in but it feels like they are able to get on with their lives while I can't. He needs someone with him 24/7 so myself and my partner are pretty much stuck here. I know this is incredibly selfish to be feeling like this but I cry every day. He absolutely refuses to be admitted to hospital or consider a hospice when the time comes and wants to die at home and I'm terrified of what is involved in that for us. 

  • Lizzie, my heart goes out to you, I think you need to get in touch with the cancer support group at the hospital, even if your stepfather is refusing help, they will support you, and sometimes they can turn things around by chatting with him. You can’t take all this on yourself it’s so stressful and heartbreaking! Also, I feel your siblings must step in and help you.

  • You are not selfish at all.  You have sacrificed a lot at a time of family need.  The caring responsibility should be shared and be sustainable.  You are quite entitled to a break for your own and your partner's wellbeing.   Is there any respite care available for you?