Maybe ??

2 minute read time.

Hi Guys,

 Looks like I may of bruised a few toes, or upset some people. never was that good at the dance, pussy footing about. There was a suggestion in an email today that I was sent that maybe if I was so disillusioned with the new software and site I should resign as a Community Champion, if I felt it was a conflict. Seems some perceive that the primary role as being to support the Admin Team and report problems rather than post blogs.

 While I saw the primary role as championing the members, Looking after the new members, ensuring blogs were answered and that no one felt alone, all of which I felt unable to do for the last 3 weeks and did make my views clear.

 I  accept I kicked off the other night, some of you may of detected the faint odour of red wine, it was a build up of frustration and pain I felt for those being unsupported. I accept my language was over the top and really no excuse for that and if anyone was offended I apologise - but I was and am angry.

 Well first all my blogs are on file and I defy anyone to find a comment where I blamed any of this fiasco on the Admin Team, the exact opposite is true, it got very repetitive to keep saying how sorry I felt for them and all the work they did on our behalf.

Those I did blame are the faceless ones, the individual or group responsible for the design, testing and implementation of this bug ridden version along with the obvious omission of the corners stones we needed. They left the admin team to face our wrath and defend policies they may of had no control over.

Tonight I read that the upgrade to provide a friend activity page was ready to go live, so thank you, one of the serious omissions I mentioned.

 If my future as a Community Champion depends on me being seen to support the Admin Team in preference to supporting members with blogs, angry or otherwise, then maybe, you  are right, it is time for me to step down. The fact I support members has never detracted from my admiration  for what the Admin Team have and are doing on our behalf. If you feel it right to remove me as a CC  then that can only be your decision, as you were good enough to accept my application. I still feel I have a role, if that conflicts with your view then that is your choice and I await your decision with interest.

Thank You to the Admin Team and Rebecca for the opportunity to take part in this role but accept maybe you feel my role is as a concerned member and without any suggestion of a conflict of interest when I blog, but do find that a bit sad and restrictive.

Regards John


  • FormerMember

    Hi John, hope you are soon feeling better and the pain is under control, really do hope you stay on as a CC you are needed, and you only said what you thought and I know I have sworn so many time since these changes just didnt have the guts to say it out loud... Take care mate xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello John. I really do hope that you will continue to be a CC as there are so many people needing some guidance as they start their long cancer journey .......... yes, they do indeed want someone who can point the way forward. The flock needs a good shepherd ! 

    Love, Joycee xx 

  • FormerMember

    hi john why r u giving up i thought you were allowed to say whats what yeh you tell us not to give up so why r u yeh im struggling with the new set up i dont understand where all the blogs go how do i check minechats discusssions etc love and hugs tracy xxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi John. Do not even think about giving up this role!

    Enough said so big hugs to you and yours,   Alison. x

  • FormerMember

    Dear John

    I do hope you stay CC i know you are not happy with the way things are at the moment and I  do agree with Nic we lost some of the friendlyness but hope we get that back really soon

    I have met John he the most kind hearted  and caring guy .

    Love to you all

    Love Janice xxx