Early saturday morning 21st

Less than one minute read time.

Had to take car to the garage yesterday, my daughter came with me and it was difficult to keep being "human" I know the family mean well and I can't hurt them but I just want to be left alone and not to have to smile and make conversation. I can't even cope with me.

I can't believe it's 81/2 weeks since he died. At the service we played Celine Dion singing "Because you loved me" and every word of the song is true. I'd never really listened to it before and heard it by chance, I wish I could have played to him when he was here.

Where is my guiding hand? my strength? that other part of me that makes me whole? Gone forever? I'm so sure that I'll wake up any minute turn over in bed and say "Oh! I've just had a terrible nightmare" and he'll say "well you're alright now, everythings ok love".

  • FormerMember

    Hello Lesley,

    Life can seem so unfair at times, and coping can be very difficult - almost impossible - without some kind of support.

    I understand not wanting to be a 'drag' on your family, but talking to a complete stranger would help you avoid that. Have you considered bereavement counselling ? I'm sure Macmillan, or your GP, could help you here.

    I had 9 sessions of counselling, some 2 years ago now. It was tough to begin with, but these highly skilled people 'held my hand' through the worst of it all, and helped me come to terms with my emotions, something I could never have managed, on my own. You will not say anything to them that they haven't heard before, and the confidentiality is assured, which I found comforting, too.

    In the deepest recesses of your Mind, you understand, from experience, that time is a great healer. Right now, that understanding is buried under all the other emotions that are currently plaguing you. It's a phase most of us have to go through, in order to move on. Some of us manage on our own, but the majority of us need some kind of support.

    You will emerge from this awful phase better equipped, emotionally, to deal with - and eventually enjoy - the rest of your precious Life.

    I wish you well, Ma'am, and hope you find the Peace you deserve.

    Ian x

  • FormerMember

    Dear Lesley

    Sending you hugs and spoons.

    Sometimes when we are in the midst of raw grief it is difficult to have to try and make 'normal' conversation with others, no matter how close they are to us.  81/2 weeks is no time at all and all your emotions and nerves are still very raw.

    Your family obviously love you very very much so I am sure if you explain to them that you need time on your own they will fully understand this.  I think Ian's suggestion of counselling is a good one, but again this is a choice only you can make for yourself.  Losing your soulmate is quite possibly the worst kind of loss and you really need the time and space to do it your own way.

    I hope that you reach the morning when it starts to hurt a little less sooner rather than later, but until then we are here for you if you need us.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Lesley

    so sorry to hear how you are feeling.

    There are lots of us in the same or very similar state as you are in at the moment.

    We are on the thread, Living without and beyond.

    You would be more than welcome on this thread and hopefully we can help each other through these horrible times. There are lots of lovely folk on this thread and it might help you.

    Take care love jmd xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lesley,

    I could weep for you as I read your post, but you are not alone, as Jmd said there are quite a few of us on living beyond, ranging from a few weeks to six months, maybe longer, we all know just how you are feelind and are there if you need us.

    Big hugs Jackie xxxxxx