Another sleepless night

1 minute read time.

My husband was the old fashion sort with integrity & honour. For a man with such dignity the worst place to get skin cancer ( open sores spreading,weeping & bleeding) was in the groin. The sores followed the "knicker line" starting inside the top of his legs and he endured the embarrassment and pain of having them dressed every day. We were retired and together virtually all day every day & I was kept busy caring for him at home. After he died I think everything seemed surreal and of course there were lots of wellwishers and things to do, paperwork etc. I think family (mine not his) with their busy lives children etc have sort of got to the point of moving on and think that Im coping, which is probably my fault as I cant bear to see the fleeting exprension of "oh dear its that subject again" Dont get me wrong they still say all the right things but its a sort of sensing the "lets talk about something more cheerful" So I put a smile on my face and nod when they ask if Im ok. But I cant stop crying and im so miserable, what is the point anymore, Im just waiting for my turn so we can be together again.

  • Hi Lesley

    I am so sorry for what you have been through and are still going through

    People around us do move on somehow and often we tell them we are ok to reassure them whilst not really feeling anything like ok

    It can make everything more stressful putting on the brave face 

    I wonder have you thought of counselling it may help and it is a place were you can talk about how you are really feeling it does not change the situation but it may help you to be able to talk openly with someone without having to pretend

    sending you a warm hug

    Scraton xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lesley

    I, too, am so very sorry to hear about what you have been through. What a brave and amazing lady you are. 

    It sounds as though what you are feeling is understandable and perfectly natural, but maybe a little help at the moment would be a good idea. Scraton's suggestion of counselling seems a good idea. Would you be able to ask your GP about this? I am sure it would help to talk about your feelings, and perhaps your GP would also have other useful ideas to help you through this difficult patch.

    There really IS a point to life -you mentioned your lovely family.

    Please take the first steps to getting some help.


    LJ X

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lesley

    Counselling is a really good idea but failing that, have you got a really good friend you can confide in.  You know, the kind that comes knocking on the door saying "I know you're not OK so here I am because I know you need me".  I'm sure you have, so let them know because I'll bet you have been putting on the brave face for everyone.

    None of us are automatons and need to break down occasionally and counselling is a great place to do this as it is away from your "normal" day to day life and doesn't infringe on it.

    Give it some thought.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxxx