Ending treatment

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Just finished almost a years treatment for breast cancer so why do I keep crying? Anyone else felt this way?
  • FormerMember

    Hi Karan, We have been around the Macmillan breast group for quite a while. Jackie was diagnosed May2012 so we're well out of the treatment tunnel too. When the endless stream of hospital appointments for bloods, chemo, rads, scans etc come to an end you find you have a lot more free time to think about "what the hell just happened to me" and realise what you have been through in those what seemed like 2 months not 12.

    Then the feeling of being abandoned like "Your'e fixed now see you in a year"...............

    Don't know of you have heard of a paper written by cancer specialist Dr. Peter Harvey titled

    "After the Treatment Finishes - Then What"

    It's a very good read for those post treatment and helps you come to terms with emotions.
    I've made the link clickable so it's easy to find.

    You could also post your question to the Breast Group, sure you will get plenty of replies.

    Hope it helps, Take care, George & Jackie.

  • Karan,  I don't think it matters what type of cancer you have, but its all very emotional .I finished treatment for anal cancer last November, and I can tell you I cried every single day, Didn't even know half the time why I was crying but the slightest kind word or gesture would set me off.  Its far better to let it all out and in time you will find the tears get less and less.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Karen, I've had Non Lymphoma Hodgkin's disease  4 times in the past, thankfully I have been in remission now for 14 years. I remember when I finished my forth treatment and was told I was clear I cried lie a baby, With me that went on for a while afterwards, I think I had too much time on my hands and to much time to try and make sense of what just happened.

    It does get better in time I promise, I still have the odd blip now and again, but I think that's natural, it usually takes something to set me off like a programme on TV, so I just turn it over!

    I found that finding some thing to occupy my time helped too, it gave me less time to think about it.

    If you need to cry just do it, it helped me helped me get it out of my system, you can't explain what you've been through to others unless they have experienced it too, hope you get on ok and it's helped a little, take care.


  • FormerMember

    Sorry I spelt your name wrong................

  • FormerMember
    Hi just joined this forum i feel when i end up crying people round me may think i am stupid but i wish someone would tell me they feel the same