end of her journey

1 minute read time.


 its been a while since I last blogged, but its been one hell of at few months. 

 My wonderful mom passed away on the 30th July 2011, she was such a wonderfull brave women, I still can't believe it.

 She had been unwell since may really but in the end she went so quickly.  But she had made it perfectly clear to us all that she had enough, she was so sick of the pain and I think the thought of her not been able to come home because of how poorly she became was the last straw for her which makes me feel so so quilty. 

Her funeral took place on the 11th August, it was such a lovely service and so very personal, we played some music from her favorite singer 'Mario Lanza' and my very brave nephew read a most beautifull poem from the   grand children, I must take my hat off to him he did her proud.

Its been a few weeks now and I'm not sure how I feel, some days are better than other's.  she's the first thing I think about in a morning and the last thing I think about at night.  I'm stilloff work at the moment with depession but I think I need to go back soon to get back into some kind of normality , what ever that is.  we had such support from our  wonderful friends and family

The council tell my I can take on the tenency of our house after my mom's death however they also are saying they are concidering moveing me beause I'm in a three bedroom house, so now Ive got that to fight this  as well as copying with the grief.  If they make me move after for 45 years of living here I don't know what I will do, my family are all around me, my sister  only lives over the round and my brother 5 min down the road if they make me go I might as well not be alive too :(



  • FormerMember

    Aww Lisa so very sorry about your Mum.My Stepmum died on 2nd August.I do hope they let you stay where you are especially due to the circumstances.As long as they give plenty of time and house you near your family.Let us kniow how things go.Take care.BIG HUGS xxxx

  • FormerMember

    hi lisa

    i have thought of you often the last few months and wondered how things were going. am so sorry to hear your mum passed away and my thoughts and prayers are with u and your family. i do understand how u feel and have gone through the same emotions and feelings that u have described. the housing should have to take into account all thats happened and the fact your family are so close by so please plead your case with them.

    keep us posted on here lisa

    lots of hugs
