ultra sound day (and confused cuz i cant post a blog in my old blog posts)

1 minute read time.

so today is the day of my ultra sound scan....
after nagging for the last week for a scan date, and being in ridiculous amounts of pain in my neck for the last few days, with no idea as to when id be getting this scan, or if id be getting it on time before i see my consultant on the 29th, i rang up again yesterday spoke to my trials nurse, and she said, ok Emma, il chase it up and will ring you straight back.
20 minutes later. true to her word, she rang me back.. OK Emma, good news.. your ultra sound scan will be tomorrow. ohh great thanks.
TOMORROW>>> (today) hooray finally. its only taken three weeks to arange an urgent scan... im fine about it.. absolutely cool with it...

so today i wake up..and think, no, im not fine about it, im not cool about it.. im worried about it, strangely enough, it was about this time 2 years ago,  that i had my 1st ever ultra sound scan on my neck. and thats WHY im scared!!! cuz i could see every lump they "photographed" or whatever the correct term for it is.... which means in effect today... im going to see what "lumps" are in my neck.... bit different to a CT scan, you dont no the results.. or see the results, til you see the consultant.... sakeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!  i look a mess today, i feel a mess today. and its probably a whole lot of worrying for nothing...

anyway... im off to work for three hours, then off to hospital. to have bloods aswell... oh, i forgot i had to get them done today to... so the stress of being poked in my arm with a needle is enough.. let alone the scan... ho hum... get on with it.... hope your all well.... gotta go....

can anyone tell me how to get coloured writing in a blog??? or how to even post back in my old blog.... sakeeee not happy today as it is!! this post looks  worse than i feel....

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emz,

    Good to see your still about. Dont you go worrying about lumps I had three in my neck, they took needle Biopsies and they came back clear. So lets see that big smile.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emz hope all goes well for you today, and your results are back in good time, I am having trouble with negotiating this sight but always was a bit slow on the uptake lol,

  • FormerMember

    Em.............. good luck and let us know as soon as you get results please lovey! Big Hugs xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Emz!

    Good luck - keep that smile.............

    (not a clue how to change the font)

    All the very best


    (Hopefully this post will 'post' today - yesterday was just frustration!)

  • FormerMember

    Hello Emma,

    Hope that your scan went well and that the results are good! Also no idea how to change the colours or add smilies etc - sorry.

    We'll talk soon.

    Love & hugs,

    Rose x x x (((((((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))))) x x x