broke down

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after going to the hospital yesterday for my pre med, i am having a lumpectomy on 23rd november. I was very emotional last night and it has spilled over to this morning. I am so upset cos next week i have to have this operation, its almost reality and i dont know how i am going to get myself through this, just carnt see it at the moment, im scared of the op ,im scared of the result's two weeks after. I work in a large suppermarket and this morning i lost control and the tears flowed, i have had to come home as i couldnt face the day at work, being all smiley and polite serving people, just dont want to do that today. somehow just got to get myself to a good place ready to face next friday .

  • Hi I'm so sorry your having to face this.Waiting is so tough and so many things go through your mind and trying to carry on as normal in an abnormal situation is doubly hard.It seems as if the enormity of it all has come along and hit you but you can and you will get through this.Its understandable that you are scared and it is hard not to let the fear overwhelm you.Try to be reassured whatever is to come you will have a medical team doing all they can to help you and you are not alone we here on the site are with you.Contact the Macmillan help line where you can speak to someone about how you feel they are very helpful.I hope you have support and understanding at home too wishing you all good things Cruton xxxx
  • FormerMember

    Hi danicat,

    My heart goes out to you.

    No matter where the cancer is, we all feel the same when we have the bad news that we have cancer and have to face some horrible treatment. Once the treatment is underway and we realise how well we are looked after things get better.

    Many on this site have gone through what you are going through now and have found light at the end of the tunnel.

    With six grandchildren how blest you are and they will help you get through this.

    Good luck for the op and may the results be far better than you imagined.

    Big hugs,

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    thankyou cruton and paddyman for you  comments on my blog ,it is reasuring that i am not alone and there are people that i can communicate with like this, i havent really talked much to my family about my breast cancer as i dont want to worry them further with how i'm feeling ,but i know the time is comming when i will let go and they will see me at my worst. I will have to do one day at a time and sure tomorrow will be a good day and i will go back to work. There are people out there who's situation's are a lot worse than mine i know ,and my heart goes out to them also my prayers. I just have to find that good place for me today , once i get this surgery out of the way im sure i will see the light at the end of the tunnel and yes my little grandchildren will bring my sprits up ,thankyou x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Danicat, it is difficult facing normal day to day tasks and walking round with a smile on your face when there is something much bigger and more important on your mind. I have days like this in work when all i want to do is be with my dad at the hospital. You did the right thing to come home and sometimes the best thing is to have a good cry :-) . Best wishes for your surgery, i hope all goes well.

    Natalie xx