feeling useless

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I have just joined the site.My mum was diagnosed with bowel cancer and secondary liver cancer in June it was a complete shock and I am still struggling to believe this is happening to my family. My mum is undergoing chemo at the moment  but it is just to buy her more time. It is so hard to see her go through this knowing it is not going to make her better.I just want to help her but feel there is nothing I can do.

  • FormerMember

    my grandad found out a few weeks ago he has lymphatic leukemia and he has a large tumour in his stomach, they said he would have a couple of months without treatment, so hes having some chemo to buy him more time also. im devestated, my grandparents are my world. my nan and grandad have been married 55 years and my nan is devastated. i know you feel like there is nothing u can do, its heartbreaking. does your mum talk about it with you? because my grandad ignores the fact he has this and says hes going to live another 10 years. lots of love and best wishes to you, your mum and family Xx

  • FormerMember

    I understand your frustration. My dad went to the dr last Christmas with a cough and after a few months of anti b's etc had a chest x ray and was told he had terminal lung cancer! It's such a shock that one day the person you love is ok (as far as you know), the next they are dying! But try to focus on what you have got. The only way I can get my head round this is to think that dad could have been hit by a bus, then I'd have no more time with him. At least we can try to make whatever time we have now as happy as possible.

    I know it's hard watching someone you love going through all the horrible treatment, but hopefully they will find something for your mum that will keep her comfortable and give you a bit more time. Try to keep positive for her, that seems to go a long way with this horrible disease. Wishing you and your mum all the best. x

  • FormerMember

    enjoy to time you have together not the time you have left, my husband steve has terminal cancer too. does not want to know how long he has. so we are making most of it, .hopefully he can get out soon only just been discharged from hospital yesterday had an infection stay positive

  • FormerMember

    Hi all,

    I have stage 4 cancer and a very supportive loving husband and children. I just want to say that you are all very brave people to want to support your loved ones. I am sure it must be very difficult to be in your position as it is in mine. Try to enjoy the time you have left and don't think about how long it will be. You can't change the length of time, only the quality of it.

    Love and strength to you all.

    Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    Thank you so much for all your kind comments.My mum does talk to me about it but doesn`t really go into to much about her feelings as she wants to protect me. My dad is doing a fantastic job of looking after her and we are close so trying to make the most of the time we have left.Unfortunately they have stopped this cycle of treatment as it is not working. good luck to all of you thanks again for all your commentsx