A long weekend ahead..

2 minute read time.

Today was a weird day. Alan was in overnight and i cant send him texts as the oncology ward has no damn signal for vodaphone phones. When i rang the ward i had these answers.. 'It's the drug round at the mo can you ring in half an hour' and 'the drs are seeing him now can you ring in a bit' and 'I've just joined the shift i have not seen his notes' . So i got narky and hey presto eventually someone told me how his night went . I went in the early afternoon, he hardly knew i was there i think but it was nice just to be there and talk to the nurses. I came home for an hour then took my daughter back to see him, she was a bit choked at first but i just said he was groggy because he had just woken up. The best thing was i managed to talk to a nurse who had some idea of a plan. They want to keep him in till at least weds. Awful but at least i can plan now. He is in the best place at the moment because it was scary having him at home in the state he was in. Of course nothing ever happens at weekends and bank holidays are worse. The planned leg scan will now be tues. I wish it wasn't like this in the NHS, i wish the day of the week did not matter.

On the way home i popped into tesco and wandered around trying to think of foods he would like. Alan is not a foodie and is quite picky ( and vegetarian ) and i wandered aimlessly about thinking of foods he might like that are soft and nice. I settled on some Mixed fruit in juice tubs and some mousses and some soft breakfast bars. The nurses were surprised that he did not fancy eating and he has lost 3kgs this week. Now he weighs just 60kg. They want me to take things in he might fancy so ill try what ive got tomorrow.

I am hoping in the next few days he will be well enough to read and watch some television. We are going to sync one of our ipods with some tunes for him as being on a ward he is not getting enough rest and some headphones and music may help. Today he was surrounded by some rowdy day patients who all knew eachother who were cursing and joking around loudly. Ordinarilly Alan would have joined in but he is obviously very ill and they would not quieten down, the nurses just said when i complained at lunchtime that 'they would be leaving soon ( However they were still there at 8pm when i left)I don't know why they need to sit on beds they should have a side room with a telly and chairs where they can all chat..it seemed strange to me.

Anyway im going to ring the ward in a mo to see how hes faring then im going to potter about and get the children settled..


  • FormerMember

    Hi There,

    Sorry you are having such a hard time, I just read your post and felt that I have been in exactly the same place as you are now . I remember my husband being in a roudy ward like that when he was extremely ill and in pain, I wanted the noisy visitors to be told how to behave in a hospital with sick patients. Its so frustrating isnt it when you want things to be right for your sick man,

    Regarding food .....My husband took a liking for those corner yoghurts ( full of calories) .Also the packet soups but made with milk instead of water.

    Adding cream milk and butter to foods where possible as well, I wish I'd have know about some of these 'tricks' earlier when I was racking my brain for foods for my husband to try to stop weight loss. Hope some of this may help you.

    Love & strength xx