Let's start at the very beginning, it's a very good place to start

1 minute read time.

I am Elly.  I went to bed on Wednesday October 31st and noticed as i turned over that my right breast was a bit sore, when i felt it i found a lump.  


'Hmm...is it a lump?...can't be...i'm only 31...i've got a baby now...can't be...it is you know...it's a lump...better not say anything to hubby yet, i'll see if it's still there in the morning.' 


Well the next day i checked, then i checked again at the night, then the next morning, and, it was still there.  Phoned the doctors straight away and got in to see my lovely GP.


'He's going to tell me he can't feel anything...i'm going to make a fool of myself over nothing...it's probably not even a lump...i'm such an idiot'


But he could feel it, and he found another, never been so scared to be right.  I have 2 lumps, 1 in the lower outer quadrant of the right breast (about 2cm) and one just behind the nipple (about 1/2cm).  Got my appointment through from the hospital and am being seen at 11am on Monday 12th.


I'm keeping this as a journal, if the best happens and i go for the test on Monday and the results are that it's not cancer then maybe one day someone in the future will read this blog and gain hope and strength that their results will be good too.  If the results are that it is cancer then maybe this blog will become my place of hope and strength, and, will be a record of my journey for my friends and family.








  • FormerMember

    Hi Elly

    Well, you are brave to write about what is happening. 

    I will not be the only one on the site who is wishing things turn out ok for you. One step at a time....... Easy to say, i know, but it's the only way. One step, one day or even half a day or an hour at a time......

    Good luck and wishing you courage,

    Little Jen X

  • FormerMember

    Dear Ellie,

    I'll be thinking of you on Monday and beyond. I'm sure you'll find out things are ok, but if the worst happens i'm confident that you will get all the support you need. Best wishes abd big hugs.


  • FormerMember

    good luck x

  • FormerMember

    good luck x

  • FormerMember

    Sending you warmest wishes that all will be fine. If you've just had a baby, the lumps could just be where the milk ducts got blocked and I hope that is all it is. Don't even think about it again (if you possibly can) until 12th. Hopefully you'll be telling all that it was just nothing.

    All the best