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Hello everybody. I joined this site in March 08. I am not expert with computers and websites and because of this, I had trouble navigating the site and understanding how to communicate with members. When I revisited ths site, I got a bit lost with it. Some months later, I have just had time to really try to conquer it and found quite a few messages/statements on one of the links. I wanted to say I have not deliberately ignored anyone who responded to my initial message. This blog was the only way I could get this message out. Meanwhile, I shall continue to try and work out how to get the best out of this site - which, by the way, I think is great. I am coming up to one year since my diagnosis and hysterectomy. It feels strange - unreal. We all try, don't we, to get on with our days? Everything is back as it was last year at this time - but nothing is the same! Anyway, thanks to everyone on the site for their support and inspiration. I look forward to reading more messages and offering whatever I can, too. Bye for now.
  • FormerMember

    lovely to hear from you!  Like you I joined in March, with a very new laptop, and having to teach myself how to use it.  Many's the time I have lost messages into the void by pressing ther wrong button or clicking on the wrong key.  I think a lot of us have.  It's just a case of experimenting, and also asking for help.  Don't forget that you can ask us for any help if you can't work out how to do something specific - we are always asking each other, so don't feel shy.  Keep posting and keeping coming on the site!  Lots of love xxx Penny

  • FormerMember

    Hi Elaine - if there is one thing you do not have to explain to me, it is being not so "computer literate" as other people appear to be!! I've lost count of the times that I've been unable to get onto the site in the first place, then lost messages and countless other mishaps. I found other members were quite good at explaining the workings of the site to me, but I am still one of the last people to offer you advice on the ins and outs of it - I'll leave that to more confident members.

    I just wanted to say hello, because I don't think I've seen any of your other messages before. I hope you're having a good day, and look forward to talking to you in the future. Take care, with love from kate xxxxxxxxxxxx