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Hi ive been ask to start a blog

There has been talk of a meeting of all the mac site people that go into the chat room. A central location for instance some where like Birmingham. A chance to put faces to names, to let them see just how good looking we really are or maybe not. No longer would they be just a voice in the dark and a great opportunity for those who love to meet up and make new freinds.

Also a chance to share our stories and experiences of why we came to the site in the first place.

If there's enough interest it would be nice to hold it this summer and could be held at a premier inn or hotel with cheap overnight accommodation to suit all.

so all those who are interested get in touch eh ? xx

  • FormerMember

    real shame this came to nothing - I'm sure somehow we can get a 'big meet' organised - with a bit of help from MacMillan ??

  • FormerMember

    agree with Mal - would really like to do this.

  • FormerMember

    I have to say there was supposed to be a livechat to discuss this, everyone knew what the date was, Edd was there, but no one was interested?? It is of no point people saying they want a meet up but then when it comes to it show no interest or support? Macmillan will never help with this, even they didnt show up for the chat. It is down to every one to make it happen.

    The old Whatnow site members meet up every year, without fail. In fact this weekend the meet up was in Belfast and a great time was had by everyone, next year it is hopefully going to be in the Lake District.

    All of the replies on this blog were very positive, but no one showed in the chat room, and the ones that did showed little interest, including Macmillan.

    Sorry if this sounds a little harsh, but it is of no use people saying they want to meet up but do nothing about it, you have to'make' it happen......

  • Only just seen this article! so missed the chat that didnt happen on sunday! not everyone is about all the time so dont be so quick to get dispondent.

    I would in therory be up for it at some point in the future funds being available!


  • FormerMember

    The chat was on Sunday 1st May Paul, a couple of months ago now. The only ones being despondent were the ones who had previously said what a great idea, but when push came to shove, offered no input, or support, or even interest unfortunately :-( It really makes no difference to me personally as I am a member of the old Whatnow Group and tend to not come on Mac as often these days, but I just feel its such a shame when someone takes the time to try and arrange a meet up and no one is interested, hey ho, maybe thats just me, subject closed :-) Hope you are ok Paul btw...x