Still Waiting

1 minute read time.
It's been over a month now since I was officialy diagnosed and staged with the Pancreatic Adenocarcenoma. I have interviewed 3 "In Network" surgeons, none of which has performed the "Whipple" procedure in over a year. No Way Jose'. Would you want someone rebuilding your engine if they haven't lifted the (hood) bonnet in a year? I requested a referal to the City of Hope here in Duarte, where I work, to see Dr Ellenhorn pancreatic surgery specialist. He has done at least a dozen or so recently. HMO says "NO, they are out of network" . I appealed and sent them copies of there own websight listings indicating that the City of Hope is a "Contracted" hospital and that the doctors medical group also takes my HMO. Denied, Denied, Denied! After a week of corresponcence, screaming and hollaring , I was able to get a partial overturn and received autorization for a "Consultation Only" at Loma Linda Medical center. Went last Wednesday. The doctor said that they have done about 10 of the surgeries in the last year and that he agreed I need a whipple procedure, but since it's been a month since you were diagnosed, we need to "Re-Stage" the cancer. Now I am pushing my primary care doctors office to get me a new CT and a referal back to Loma linda. It's taking so long. The pain and discomfort are getting worse. Hard to sleep at night. If this thing has matastisized, I'm really going to be Pist! My survival rate goes down every day. Ed
  • FormerMember

    seems like you are having a hard time eh?i was in illinois when they found my mets and were very quick with my surgery (6 days fron doc to surgery), i had ct`s, mri`s, ultrasound, camera ,biopsies (2), and more ...all in 6 days, i presumed that was the norm, although i was not impressed with the prognosis, 3 to 4 months to live no point in chemo go home quickly if you want to die there!!!, well 17 months and a lot of chemo later i am still here and feeling good.

    i hope they get their finger out and get it sorted for you, good luck, liz xxx