23) One year post diagnosis and feeling good!

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It’s been I year since my diagnosis & I am grateful that I seem to be in good health - I still worry about every niggle though but I am  getting better at managing this.  Surgery & chemo memories are beginning to fade into the background - let’s hope that’s where they stay!! 

I had a rocky start with Letrozole (really bad foot pain) but thankfully that has subsided and I feel ok on it now.  My hair is growing back although I look like a sheep or Krusty the clown with my chemo curls! 
I’m having my yearly mammogram next week so fingers crossed that doesn’t throw up anything sinister.  I am scared that this whole nightmare will kick off again but I am not as panicky as I thought I would be which is good - let’s see if I’m still as zen about it next week! 
My life will never be the same as it was pre-cancer but I’m doing better than I thought I would be 1 year on so that’s a bonus :) 
  • You are being as positive as you can be ,which is great. I am hoping for my surgery by the end of the month as I find that feeling constantly worn out is really frustrating. The slightest exertion and I am coughing and my breathing is laboured. Obviously I was so lucky in being able to give up work straight away. No way was I going to carry on with my stressful job.I am 64 now,so sod it,having worked constantly since 1976. Krusty made me smile,as long as you don’t become bright yellow . Look after yourself.

  • So good that your surgeries and chemotherapy are fading into the distance.Is Letrozole to prevent a recurrence of cancer? 

  • I hope your surgery goes well & you feel better soon. I’m taking letrozole  to reduce the risk of cancer coming back so fingers crossed it does the job! Take care & best of luck with your treatment 

  • Hope your MG came back clear. I’m so glad you are feeling well.