Dyad's second time around

  • Breathing


    At the weekend I went to the monthly meditation session that I've mentioned before. It is held at the home of someone (D) who is a follower of Thich Nhat Hanh (known as Thay, pronounced 'tie'). I don't know whether D is a Buddhist or not. I don't know whether I am a Buddhist because I listen and respond to what I hear at these meetings, or whether I'm just a non-believer who finds the Buddhist way of looking at the…

  • A walk around Llanfawr


    Stefon has invited those of us who read and enjoyed his blog about a walk in Oare Marshes to chip in with descriptions of our favourite walks.  Well, this was music to my ears.  I wrote last time of my desire to go and see the bluebells at my secret place, but I was a bit concerned that I don't at present have quite enough energy to get there and back.  However, my husband (J) kindly offered to accompany me and to go…

  • Bluebells, birches and (yuk) chemo


    Just a short update today, as I'm not feeling too great.  Had my 4th of 5 Mytomycin shots on Thursday, and started the 7th of 8 cycles of Capecitabine.  My bloods must be fine, though I forgot to ask for the exact levels.  The registrar I saw (yet another new one) said that I should have a scan after the last cycle of Cap and possibly before the last Myto.  If the scan result is good, I may not even need that Myto.  Timing…

  • One for the birds


    This morning I was woken up ridiculously early by the blackbird singing his heart out in the rowan tree outside our bedroom window.  I didn't mind at all:  at least he's a bit quieter than the song thrush who has occupied the topmost branch of the tree for the last several mornings, and all day long too, but who now seems to have been usurped by the blackbird.  The thrush has a huge variety of musical phrases that…

  • Platelets


    I went up to The Christie on Thursday for my 3-weekly review (no Mytomycin this time).  My friend  from York met me at the station and we grabbed a nice lunch and a quick tour of the art gallery, as we usually do, before going to the hospital.  The blood test revealed that my neutrophils are back to normal but unfortunately my platelets are low.  I'm certainly getting to know a bit about all the different white blood cells!…