Dyad's second time around

  • The day hospice revisited


    A few months ago, I wrote rather disparagingly about my first visit to the day hospice.  I'm now rather ashamed of that blog post, as it wasn't a fair assessment of what is actually a wonderful service to cancer patients in this area.  I have since become a big fan of the day hospice, particularly after my visit there this week.

    I was a bit confused at first about what the day hospice actually provides, but it…

  • This blog post is not about cancer


    Well, only a little bit...

    I seem to have acquired quite a few new readers, and I don't want to let them down by not blogging at all.  I haven't had much cancer-related to say over the last couple of weeks.  My arm is still a bit swollen but it has gone down a lot.  I try to wear the compression bandage recommended by the physio at the hospice, but it slips down my arm in the most annoying way, so I'm not sure it…

  • The horrors of A&E - and an update on my treatment plan


    The swollen arm episode could have happened at a better time, I must say.  My Canadian brother was staying for only 6 days, and two of them we spent mostly in A&E at the local hospital!  In fact at one time we thought we were going to have to say our goodbyes while I was sitting on a trolley covered with monitors, drips etc.  Luckily that didn't quite happen.  Visiting A&E is the most dispiriting experience.  You…

  • Swollen arm


    I hadn't intended to update my blog until after our next clinic appointment on Thursday, but something rather strange has happened.  I finished the short course of radiotherapy on my shoulder and neck over two weeks ago, but just yesterday I noticed that my left arm has swollen to double the size of the other one, right down to the hand.  In fact my face, neck and shoulder are all swollen too.  It's a most peculiar feeling…

  • A queasy anniversary


    Nov 1st was the 4th anniversary of my diagnosis.  I felt a bit queasy when I realised what the date was, but then I congratulated myself on lasting this long.  I'm determined to make the five years at least, even though I'm not disease-free and never will be.

    The week of radiotherapy passed very easily.  In fact it was a bit like a holiday.  I quite enjoy staying at the hotel, there was time to go sightseeing, visit…