My darling Bobbie has lost his fight.

Less than one minute read time.

My darling husband passed away on Sunday 1st August. He fought so very hard right up until the bitter end.. I feel so numb just do not know what to do. He was the most wonderful husband  and father that anyone could wish for. Our lives will never ever be the same, my very best friend is not here any more. I feel so lost, people say stay strong for all the children. I shall try my utmost for them but other than that I feel my world has ended.  I cradled him in my arms until the very end and shall never forget that, at the hospice they were calling him the miracle man.because of his sheer determination for the last 8wks.

God bless you Bobbie you are at peace now, you were suffering so much, but no more suffering now.

Your Duchess x

  • FormerMember

    How do I find some words of comfort for you at this time, I know i can't but my heart goes out to you and your family. Boby is at peace now and some where down the line you will find some peace for yourself, we will support you all the way. I am so very sorry for your loss love, I have not lost my partner, I am the one with the cancer and I will ever understand completely how you feel right now but there are so many people on here who know what you are going through so all i can do is send my love, my thoughts and a Carol x

  • FormerMember

    oh huni im so sorry , i cant make you feel better noone can, you will feel so lost and lonely, your heart will be breaking, all i can say that may help a tiny bit is i sadly know exactly how your feeling , and yes it will get easy with time but that love will always be their,

    my advice for the next few days only ,is take it hour by hour , then when your ready day by day,  try and get lots of rest , and please be gentle on you self , yes you need to be their for your children but this will actually be harder for you than them , my kids have shown this,

    and if you need me or my shoulder anytime im here , love and gentle hugs jenni xx

  • FormerMember


    I echo Carol & Jenni thoughts and besides...words really are of no comfort right now, nothing is.  My heartfelt and sincere condolences on your loss and to your darling Bobbie, PEACE BE THE JOURNEY XXXXX

    Love & strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry for your loss.  Sending you love and hugs.


  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry to read your sad news about Bobbie.

    I cannot find any words except to say know that we are thinking of you and are here if you need us, as always.

    Love, Christine xx