Home at last

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My husband Bob is home at last [been home for about 2 wks now] and seems to be settling in. So wonderful for myself and the family to have him home, no more travelling 2hrs a day there and back and having to leave him in the evenings. Mind you we would have travelled to the end of the earth and back again for him. He is starting to feel very fed up now though, his mind tells him he wants to do things but his body will not let him. Try to tell him its only been 4wks since op and its going to take time but he is getting frustrated some days. Never mind though it just so lovely to have him here at home with us. I know its going to take time but just got to convince him. I have all the time in the world for my darling husband.
  • FormerMember

    What a lovely blog to read this morning Duchess!  I'm so glad you have your beloved Bob back home in the heart of his family.  I hope with all the love and attention he will be getting he doesn't get too impatient with his progress.  little steps at a time but they all add up to travelling in the right direction lol! Sending big hugs to you all.

    Take care

    pheonix  xxx