Feel like screaming

1 minute read time.
I feel like running to the top of a hill and just screaming. Everything seem to be going well, husband got through operation and then seemed to be coping well with chemo, just feeling very very tired and a little sick, but nothing to how it can affect some people and feel that he is very lucky. Now has symptoms back the same as he had before diagnosed and he seems to be going back down, has had scan and gets results on 12th May, but husband is thinking the worst and I am trying to tell him not to worry, everything will be fine. I don't know whats come over me but just feel like yelling and screaming for someone to take all the hurt away, especially the hurt and sadness I see in my husbands eyes and all of our children. Their Dad is their hero, and mine, always there for anybody and can solve anything, but right at this moment in time we all feel so helpless for him. He tries so hard, in his head he wants to do things, but body will not let him. I now dread what will be said on Tuesday, I have tried to be positive all the way through, since op, but now feel as though everything is catching up with me and I am also feeling very frightened. Sorry to waffle on so much, I know that out there, there are an awful lot more people in worse positions than myself , but I really feel lost and do not know the next best thing to do to show a more positive atitude to all my family and asure them that everything will be ok. Duchess.