Today was a good day

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Today Fabe and I went out together for the first time in ages. Today was not about cancer but about fun. We went to see the comedian Micky Flanagan and had forgotten what it was like to laugh so much. We had a lovely time. By the end of the night I was almost in tears though as I realised that I have not seen Fabe looking so happy for ages. Next week Fabe has his scan and that is a daunting prospect but we are hopeful and concentrating on today. I have been trying to think more positively. I have managed to get Fabian to join the site, though I haven't yet told him that I am on here! I want him to feel he has some privacy. His username is FabeB. Well I just wanted to share this happy moment with you and even through the battle sometimes you can have good days. Jenny
  • FormerMember

    hey i know those days you talk of... sometimes me and my boyfriend go out for dinner or do something just for us and i realize how much ive missed being a couple with no worries.. i always look at other couples and envy them on how happy they look.. we took a nice holiday before his major operations and it was so nice and romantic.. we forgot about his cancer for a week and it was the best thing we ever did.. x

  • FormerMember
    It's so lovely isn't it, just makes you feel like you are part of the world again. I wonder how many other couples are going through what we are and look at us and think we are carefree when we are out. We had the best night we had in ages, it was so good. It's made me think that we need to factor in other nice things when Fabe has the energy. Your holiday sounds ideal, what a good idea. We were also lucky enough to get get a picture with Micky after the show. Topped the evening off. How is your boyfriends treatment going? Drop me a private message if you would prefer. Jenny xx
  • FormerMember

    So lovely to hear people having a fun day.  Gotta take them when we can!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jenny,

    Only just found your blog, this site has been updated recently and finding my way round is difficult.  I've just discovered updating on my friends activity page, hurray an achievement for me.  I'm glad you had a good time, that release from the reality of the cancer is needed and is very theraputic.  When next week does Fabe have his scan, let us know how he goes on and i can cross my fingers and think of you both.

    take care

    Jan x