A year since surgery and a few updates.

3 minute read time.

Does anyone else feel that their perception of time is different now. Sometimes weeks feel like months and yet a year can go by in an almost blur. This month it's a year since Fabe had his big toe and foot bone amputated and I remember hearing the news that the op had gone well and feeling optimistic. However we then found out that while fabe was having surgery and recovering and thus unable to have chemo the smudges on his lungs had developed into multiple tumours. It was such a blow but as most of us on here know that's pretty much how the battle goes, one hurdle after the next with no time to adjust from the shock. Fabe gets his next important scan results on the 24th and the countdown begins. I am trying to stay hopeful but also mentally preparing. Had a meltdown yesterday night had a good cry on my mums shoulder. In one sense I am very lucky with the amazing support network that I have around me, family, friends and working in the NHS there is a lot of support emotionally available and I am using this. My days at work have been adjusted for a few months which means I can work from home a day a week. One of our friends has organised a charity event to raise money for the Royal Marsden. It's amazing how people have shown their support. I have decided to focus on those people in our lives that hold us up rather than those who bring us down. I remember thinking a long time ago that I couldn't possibly love my fiancé more but I do. I have so much admiration and respect for how he has handled everything and love him with my entire mind, body and soul. I was adding some dates to my iPhone and came across a potential wedding date that I had put in for August 2012 a while ago, coming across it unexpectedly was a bit painful. Fabe and I have been together 10 years in April and I am focussing on the fact that our hearts are already married, what would be different really... My name? A big dress? All small things in the magnitude of what we are enduring. I have managed to lose most of my comfort eating weight. I have been going to slimming world and the focus on healthy eating has been good for me. Well I can not believe that Christmas is next month. It does not feel like the Christmas period at all. We will make the best of it though and enjoy every moment that we can. The illness changes you and those around you forever but we are both trying to see the positive things that are emerging. We know who our true dear friends are, we have courage and strength that we never ever thought possible and a totally different outlook on life. We have never really been one to worry about petty things but even more so now. It has made us very aware of our own mortality and that of those around us in a way that we have never thought of before and to appreciate life and those we hold close and make every moment as pleasant as possible. I have also been amazed by the wonderful brave people on the site and the level of support and comfort that is offered. To use a cliche it has restored my faith in humanity. There are some genuinely courageous kind and incredible people on this site and I am proud to be part of this community. It's 5.30am and I didn't intend the blog to be so long but as I don't often get on here had a few updates. Take care, Jen.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen

    Everything you say about the changes to your life, your perspective on life, discovering new friends, discovering that some people are not the supportive friends you thought they would be, the joy of finding love and support in unexpected places and of course the strength and comfort we get from Macland is so very true.

    I myself am dreading Christmas this year because we all know it will be the last one we spend with Gordy.  Now he has never been one for Christmas so I am a little uncertain as to how it will all pan out but we will cope whatever happens.

    Your blog was a lovely read and hope to see you back again soon.

    Much love,

    Nin xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    hi jen, like you my boyfriend has battled his big cancer (bowel, with spread to the liver) and now just trying to get rid of these fkng lung mets! he's had two surgerys on his lungs, to remove the mets.. (tumors) i think there was 3 in one and 2 on the other..

    we've been together two years and he's had cancer for a year and half of that.. most of our relationship has been hospitals, appointments, scans and tears...

    your very lucky to have amazing friends and family.. unlike you i dont have that.. my own family were great at the start and now just expect me to be 'normal' as if im supposed to be used to his cancer by now.. his family have been really hard to deal with to.. causing a lot of trouble for no reason, yelling at us for stupid silly things, making me feel very uncomfortable...

    my work has been ok.. my boss is battling cancer herself so i guess that helps that she knows what im going through... i feel the same as you.. i watch everyone around me getting engaged, moving houses, being happy and i feel like its not fair.. i feel like the last year has just passed me by and i dont remember many good moments from it..

    i just want this all to be over, like ok we've learnt our lesson now please make it ok.. we know not to take anything for granted or to sweat the small stuff.. ive struggled so much with depression and anxiety over it all, that i guess in one way its made me a stronger person... i now feel as if i can handle anything life throws at me, and that this what we're going through right now wil not last forever...

    im sorry you cant get married when you want to, that must be very tough.. but i guess your a stronger person now to :)

    feel free to chat to me anytime, i cant blog on here because everytime i try it comes up with a silly message that says something and i cant upload my blog! grrr frustrating!

    take care xox
