tommorrows the day

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all the scans mri,s xrays and mamagram done will no the results tomorrow.think some times the waiting is worse than the cancer.its a year on and it feels like the finish line just keeps moving wonder somedays will i ever cross one say,s life should be easy but why does it have to be this very hard somedays to see the brightside and keep simeling when you ache right to your very soul.when will it be enough.they say the eyes are the windows to the soul i can only hope that mine never show the pain i sometimes feling dont understand why people say everything happens for a reason cause i can,t find one .sorry i,m ranting thing when i was coming home from hosptail andheard girl on bus saying she had just had a mamagram in clinic and had been given the all clear it made me thing back.hopefully tomorrow will be the same for me.and i can fell closer to th finish line or that it is at least still within sight and better time are a comin.
  • FormerMember

    Whatever the results bring tomorrow - and of course I'm crossing everything that they will be clear - you will find the strength and courage to deal with it. The waiting is the most stressful part of this whole sorry business, not knowing what will happen. Once you know you can start planning your future, whether its your next holiday or treatment. Then you will fell you have some control over your life once again.

    We will all be thinking of you tomorrow, please let us know how you get on

    love and gentle hugs

    Sharry x

  • FormerMember

    Doris,  I hope that the results are favourable for you and that the end of treatment is in sight.  Take care of yourself and keep on fighting x x

  • FormerMember

    hi doris

    i know exactly how your feeling and the waiting doesn't get any better. i'm too am year on and i to get my results tomorrow to see if its back or not. (fingers crossed for both of us) please let us know hoe you get on. take care sharon xx

  • FormerMember


    I hope you get good results tomorrow, it must be awful waiting for results.  I will be thinking about you.  Good luck

    Jo Mac

  • FormerMember

    Hi Doris and Sharon, good luck with the results tomorrow.  I'm sure everything will be fine.

    5 and a half years later I still get nervous waiting for the results of my mammograms and other tests, but so far so good.

    Will be thinking about you both and will keep an eye out on this site to see how you both got on.

    Best wishes, Christine xx