they just keep comin

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home care nurse came today to give me hercpfelt sorry for her cos on like when in hosptailtin nice girl first time i have had her.things didn't go to well.hand was still brused and bit swollen after being poked yesterday for blood.after three attemps and a lot off hot water she found a smal one in my wrist.felt sorry for her cos unlike hosptail she had no one else to call on for another try.she took blood pressure and it had went sky high so off course a called to oncoligist for advice they advised to wait 15mins to see if it went down and thankfully it did and all went a head,back up slightly after treatment finished.only six more left so hope my hand holds she talked about useing the back noff the wrist today iff she couldn't get one don't fancy that much but supose if u must you must.thats my rant over for today.think i should find a hill top to stand on and scream.l.o.l
  • FormerMember

    hey doris scream all you want ........ !

    but give yourself a big pat on the back too!

    and tick another box ...another treatment done n dusted!

    moan (not that i call this one a moan really!) all you like were here for you
