3rd attempt

1 minute read time.

Hello All,

Our M has just been to visit me, we had the normal chit chats, what he’s doing at the moment, what’s gone on in the week, who’s done what, who’s said what and called the usual people etc, now of all my lads M being the eldest (29) understands more than most because he’s seen quite a lot of his fair share of life, some good and some bad but he’s just knocked me bloody sideways with one comment! Having phoned everyone the good news last Tuesday, to tell them that the cancer appeared to have gone for now, it’s the first time I have seen him face to face this week,

Well I can’t believe you have beaten it so fast and so easily dad with not much bother, you hear of people who are in so much pain and discomfort and so messed up, you’d think they were dieing, Now Have I done him a disservice? Have I covered all my pain, tears, sleepless nights, morphine withdrawal and anger at myself and all that goes with this Cancer sht so well that he thinks it’s a walk in the park? How much should you tell your kids How much should you show And do you harm just yourself, by hiding it all? Because I feel a little bit hurt right now.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kev


    Congrats on the good news.  On the being honest with your son and telling him the bare bones truth from a rellies point of view I think he should know.  When my brother  was diagnosed he and my other two brothers decided between them that it would be better to shield me, Mumsy and Gordy's daughter from the horrible diagnosis he was given.  This did no good at all as I knew they were hiding stuff from us and in a devious and underhand way I managed to find out.  When I did find out it explained a lot re. Gordy's mood swings, behaviour, etc., etc.  Then poor Mumsy overhead him telling one of his friends and she went into total shock all over again.


    I personally don't think it's good to hide things from loved ones but each person and family are obviously very different.  I found it difficult to come to terms with I am glad I know the bitter truth and will be better prepared for when and if things go bad.


    Much love,

    Nin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Morning and thanks to all and no I did'nt take it as a telling off Shaz, it's nice to know I'm not alone,

    x Kev.