Plodding on

3 minute read time.
Well chemo went ahead as planned last Thursday but God was I rough on the Friday and Saturday. Its the first time its effected me so bad and I was so grumpy with everyone. Not good but I dont have many bad days really. This is cycle number six of chemo and I always have a funny taste in my mouth now which is unpleasant. It makes me nibble constantly just to see if I can get rid of the taste. If anyone has any remedies I would appreciate it. I went out with the cycling club on Tuesday night and couldnt believe that we did 29 miles!!!! OMG!! 29 MILES! It was warm and sunny with a good breeze but a sore tuppence after all that sitting on my saddle. I felt so alive though. It was great. Its my husbands hobby really so it was great to go out and do it together. At home on the wednesday I was dying for an ice-cream so went out to my freezer to fetch one. My son had accidently left the door unshut the night before so an insurance claim has been ordered and everything chucked out. I found it quite therapeutic chucking out all the old food and having a good old clean. So I'm off to some supermarket tomorrow to replenish all stocks of yummy scrummy food and ofcourse the ice cream, still dying for one. I paid all the funds into race for life and the hospital this week. I was then told by my boss that after ten years they wouldnt be renewing my contract but I was more than welcome to apply for another position at a lower rate of pay! Well, she now has a very big fight on her hands as I have absolutely nothing to lose and lots of complaints to be made about her. So, bring on the fight honey, I'm ready for her. As if I need all the hassle but I'm not going to let her walk all over me. It does make you wonder though if your illness contributes to how they make their decisions. I am having a good sort out this week and donating lots of stuff to the local hospice shop and other charities. I feel the need to de-clutter and tidy up so I may as well do it while I have the energy to do it. Another chap that I met in the chemo suite who is 74 years of age is at home now recovering after his oesophagectomy four weeks ago. I cant believe how good he looks and I cant help but feel jealous that he's on the road to recovery and i'm still waiting for clearance. I am so happy for him and his family though and I hope I'll be in his position someday soon. The garden is looking nice and the sunshine is great. I am ready for a long weekend with my hubby, he finishes work tomorrow for the weekend so good quality time together. There were a couple of sayings in our local paper this week which I liked: Keep only cheerful friends, the grouches will putt you down. Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Surround yourself with what you love whether it is family, pets, music etc, your home is your refuge. If you have a friend that makes you laugh then spend lots of time with them. The tears happen, endure, grieve and move on. The only person who is with you for your entire life is you. Live while your alive. Try everything twice. On woman said she wanted this epitath on her tombstone: " Tried everything twice. Loved it both times" My next ct scan is this Thursday. Results day is Friday. Feel more anxious I think this time just incase things arent working as well as they have been. Dont know why I feel like that. I dont want to fall I think so mentally I'm preparing for nothing special shall we say. I shall keep you informed with results etc. I hope everyone is doing okay and enjoying this gorgeous British summer and ofcourse Wimbledon, I love it. Take care everyone, speak soon. Joanne
  • FormerMember

    Cant believe what your employers said to you! As a cancer patient you have legal rights so dont let them walk all over you!

    My partner has a son who he has to pay child support to, obviously now he is no longer working he is unable to pay and they cant take it from his earnings. We received a letter from csa yesterday saying that he has to prove that he has cancer!! em Hello.......!!! Would anyone make that up? I feel like phoning them up, inviting them round to the house when he is wretching his guts up in the bathroom or maybe i could take a photo and send it to them!!-grrrrrrrrrrrr...........makes me so bloody angry!!

    Anyway do let us know how your results go, iv got everything crossed for you, take care and stay strong, julie x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joanne, can't believe you cycled 29 miles while having treatment, I wish I had half your energy.

    Just make sure you save some of that energy to fight your bosses, that's a shocking way to treat someone.  Makes you glad there are still a lot of caring people around eh?

    You have a lovely weekend and I hope the weather keeps nice for you.  Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi, i don't have problems with my chemo but my friend who gets sore mouth and a funny taste swears by pineapple. She says its the only thing she can taste properly. To help her sore mouth she makes lollies of frozen pineapple juice. Worth a try.

    Don't let them use cancer as a reason to demote you or whatever. You are covered bt the disability discrimination act.

    Good luck.

    Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joanne -

    I found your blog!  I have really enjoyed reading it.  You cylced 29 miles!  Now I really need to encourage my hubby to get out and do some walking.  What an inspiration you are!!

    Waiting patiently for your results and thinking of you.  Take care,

