Life is great, sun in shining,

4 minute read time.
Well after starting ECX number 4 last Wednesday things went down hill quite quickly. It started with chest pains on the Thursday that just came and went so I tried not to worry too much. I went to work on the Friday morning and was very uncomfy by lunchtime so left around 1pm. I crashed on the sofa about 3pm on Friday and stayed there for most of the weekend feely ghastly for most of the time. The chest pains came and went though so not a constant pain. On Sunday I posted on here about chest pains and was advised to get checked out which I mentally pencilled in for the Monday morning and duly went to bed. My hubby, who works nights was pottering about downstairs getting ready to go to work. I laid in bed and hoping the awful feeling would pass, have never had a heart attack or anything like it really and I found it frightening, it didnt feel right, I think I knew that something was just not quite right. I went downstairs again, nearly 11pm by now and hubby had his coat on ready to leave, so glad I caught him before he went. I thought my chest was going to explode, it was so sore. Then that nausea feeling swept over me and I started to throw up!! Sorry for the gory details but it was so unexpected. I actually havent been sick since first diagnosed in January. I told hubby to dial 999 which he did. My poor son looked so frightened and hubby liased with ambulance control really well. Then he had to ring work and get cover arranged whilst rubbing my back. And he told me he couldnt mult-task!!!!! The paramedics were great, I wasnt having a heart attack, thank god but a trip to a and e was needed for blood tests and consultant review. The journey seemed to last forever as were only down the road but I was definately disorientated whilst travelling backwards. (it was a horrible vulnerable feeling not knowing what was going to happen) So blood tests, ecg's, chest xray and painkillers were all given and no evidence of a heart attack. I had a cup of tea and hey presto the chest pains started again. The consultant confirmed that he could only put it down to maybe stomach acid reacting after I've eaten which is radiating through other organs and presenting itself as chest pains. The good news was that I wasnt going to die tonight, thank god. We were packed off home with some lovely painkillers at 3am, room for another cup of tea and then off to bed. I wasnt happy to take my ECX on the Monday now until I had seen the oncologist who squeezed me in at 3pm for a consult. He prescribed lansaprozole as a trial and a few days off ecx. So, Monday and Tuesday hubby stayed home and looked after me which was great. Every time I ate I had an ache that spread through my body which made me feel uneasy. Once I started the lansaprozole first thing in the morning this disappeared so thats what I stuck to . I put my feet up and was well rested. Wednesday feeling alot better, Thursday back to the Xeloda tablets which I took with apprehension, but they went down well and I have had no further problems. Friday was a great day. I went supermarket shopping and to town. Just pottered at my own pace. The sun was shining, I wasnt in pain and Thorntons had rum and raisen ice cream on offer so that cant be turned down. I have a licence to eat what I like so I wasnt going to turn it down. The roof came down on the convertible and I cruised home feeling great. On Saturday I did a boot sale!! Had to be up at 5am to go but I was giddy with excitement, I hadnt done a boot sale for years. It was so much fun and I was finished by 12. My hubby played football on Saturday afternoon and I picked him up from the pub about 5pm and whisked him and my son off into the Italian in town for a lovely dinner. We had two courses, a very good giggle, good quality time together and we were happily exhausted by the time we got home. At ten to seven this morning we were walking the dog, the sun was already out as we strolled down the country lanes near our house watching the cauli cutters in the field. Life felt really nice. I had my folks round for a nice roast chicken dinner which we were finished by 12.38pm!!!! Love London marathon day, might try it next year. I havent felt this good for a long time and I think that maybe I felt that I wouldnt feel this nice again. I have taken sick leave from work now so I can concentrate on getting better. I need to put myself and my family first. Work can wait. I'm glad I am here to enjoy the sunshine, enjoy my family. I appreciate the smaller things now that you take for granted all the time without realising it. I love my life and I am going to make the most of every minute of every day. I hope the treatment continues to go well and I hope fate will be good to me and all of us on here and give us all a break for a change. Its a nice feeling to feel good and healthy and normal. Havent felt that for a while. Maybe its the sunshine, if so, lets hope it stays sunny. Love to all x x
  • FormerMember

    enjoy them dizzy,thank goodness your ok, liz  x

  • Hi Dizzy

    It’s great that you’re feeling so good now and I hope you can get out for lots of walks and enjoy the company of your friends and family.  You’ve done the right thing by taking sick leave from work as that will give you the time needed to do things at your own pace, enjoy doing the things you want to do and basically, just having some fun.  Plus, you’ve got your hols coming up soon haven’t you?  I'm pleased that things are going well for you.  

    Love Kitty xx