Sponsored Head Shave for Macmillan

1 minute read time.
So looking at my blog, there's a big hole where posts ought to be. That's because I've been finding it easier to blog here: http://ourjourney- jkwj.weebly.com Anyway, I wanted to let you all know that I'm doing a sponsored head shave to raise money for Macmillan. They have done so much, it's time to give something back. If you would like to sponsor me, my Just Giving page is; http://www.justgiving.com/Fiona-MacGregor-Head-Shave You can also sponsor by Just Text Giving by Texting: 'FMLM87' And an amount of: '£1', '£2', '£3', '£4', '£5', or '£10'. To: 70070 On the 8th of April 2013 my partner, Jamie, starts chemotherapy. Because of the nature of his cancer the treatment has to be aggressive - a sort of 'fighting fire with fire' approach. We've been told his hair will fall out with absolute certainty, along with many other and more concerning side effects. It is so important to us that we get the word out there that these things don't just happen to other people. Jamie is a young man at 29 years old and in Movember last year, was diagnosed with Testicular Cancer. They operated and effectively dealt with this tumor. Unfortunately due to the aggressiveness of this type of cancer, it was able in only a very few months to spread to both of his lungs. It is vital that people, particularly young men, realise that this really is something that could affect them and just how important it is to be vigillent. We encourage men to check themselves regularly and to seek medical advice with confidence reguarding any concerns. I have decided to shave my head as a way to show Jamie my continual support as well as to raise money for a charity (Macmillan Cancer Support) who have been amazing so far in the whirlwind journey that is cancer. So, if you lovely people can raise a mere £300 then I will part shave my head leaving me with a Mohican. If you raise £500 then I will shave my head completely! I will video the process (the loss of my locks!) and post it on our website http://ourjourney-jkwj.weebly.com along with other posts detailing our journey. Please, please, please give generously as Macmillan really are such an important charity who help to make this very dark time in peoples lives a little more bearable. ...Plus I'd like to think my hair is worth something! ^_^ Many thanks, Fiona aka LittleMissRobot