out on my pink bike!!

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i've finally got out on my newly painted pink bike, wow what a fab feeling. there have been times when i thought today would never arrive and it was a waste of time my ol' man doing the paintwork, BUT I'VE DONE IT - alright only about 10km lol crikey am i ever on a high, better than any medication lol. now very tired and achy had to not take my painkillers lunchtime so i could ride. now sat on sofa with big smile on my face!!!!  love and hugs to everyone xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Dieulidou,

    You cycled 10km on your newly painted Bike. I couldnt walk 10 yds. But I can swear and stick my tongue out behind my wifes back, me no talkie.and she thinks she gets the last word.That is one of the plus signs of having your voice box removed along with so more bits and pieces.  So well done you .

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    lol brill.... watch out she isnt watching you in the mirror!! by the way i didnt cycle thats tooooo energetic - its a motorbike! love and hugs sue xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Right on chic so chuffed for you girl, haven't been out on mine yet this year but so glad you did..love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    You have put me to shame. Going to dust mine off and get it oiled. Must by a luxury gel seat though as not sure my old bum bones can cope with a normal hard seat ! Think the hound may have a shock when I disapppear into the distance as  well. Can't beat a 'natural' high can you.

    Take care & happy cycling, Jewels x