One week on Accepting it and moving forward

1 minute read time.

I had a very emotional but comforting easter weekend with my man, was very sad when he returned home Monday.  Walked around the airport eyes full of tears as I know till surgery its just me and the hamster.  A bit of space is always good but at the moment for me I would sooner be with others as im a bit scared of whats happening.  Im 42 and this is bad luck but am thinking past the bad bit so we can get on with our lives and celebrate our first year together in June.

Finaly took myself to the doctors yesterday and she was a big comfort and sat patiently listening to me trying to explain how tierd i feel from the bleeding and pain (I felt distressed as i know the cancer was bleeding so i could not relax).  She gave me tablets to stop the pain and something to stop or slow the bleeding down....... finally last night the bleeding stopped :) for the first time since early march when i was in Holland.  I was in bed at 9pm and slept to 5am a very good night for me as last few days i kept waking up in pain.

No date still from the hospital for my surgery as a private patient i feel angry that last week we talked bout me going in this week for my hystorectomy and now have been told they will ring me in a few days.  I have decided I wil ring them everyday until they give me a date as this is my life on hold.

Today im going to relax and be a couch potatoe but will have a walk later rest eat and relax is the new norm hopefully pain and free of bleeding.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Dionne,

    Really sorry to hear about your diagnosis.

    In my experience the waiting is always the worst bit especially when you know the cancer is there and you just want to do something positive about removing it.

    I would be exactly the same as you and phone regularly to get the appointment date through for the op. Sometimes you have to help things a long a bit :).

    I hope that you get the date through quickly and that the operation is a success.

    Take care

