
Less than one minute read time.

i was diagnosed with cancer of the womb yesterday and am awaiting results of the scan to see if my cancer is anywhere else.  I have heard the word many times before but it has such a impact when it is used to you directly.  im 42 years old eat a health diet and run regularly, but finding it hard to work out what i feel inside.

  • FormerMember

    It will take time to sink in... wishing you well with the scan and hoping is hasn't spread.

    Oh and welcome to mac, the lovely famiily who no one really wants to join, but now you are here, we will be with you along your journey.

     Join the womb cancer group and any others you think you might like to and you will get a lot of support on here.

    Plenty of us around to hold your hand along the way and who have been through it too so can give you a light at the end of the tunnel....

    Sending you a big hug

    Little My x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Numb, I'm waiting for results of a CT scan to so I know how agonising it can be, I try to focus on anything but the results.  You've come to the right place though, there are many many people here going through, have gone through exactly what you are going through right now and we're on hand when you need to ask questions or simply vent.  Let us know the results? X

  • FormerMember

    Good luck with the results.  Welcome to one of the only clubs that you get a free memebership to but would pay a fortune to not be in, but on the plus side everyone is really friendly and helpful.

    All the best Diane x x

  • Hi when your given your diagnosis and they use the word cancer so many thoughts and feelings rush around in your mind and it can seem so can also make you look for reasons and whys and wherefores especially when you feel you have lived a healthy lifestyle.Waiting for results is always tough as many here will tell you.I wish you the very best of luck that it hasn't spread.You will find lots of information and support on the site and contact the Macmillan help line if you feel you need to talk to someone wishing you all good things Scraton x
  • FormerMember

    Hi Dionne - As you can see from all the supportive messages above, we are all here for you.  It is so much easier to talk with other women who have traveled or are still on the same journey.  My diagnosis of womb cancer was made in January 2011 'Happy New Year!!!!'.  Now 6 weeks post op and starting Brackytherapy (internal radiotherapy) next week.  Definitely found it was best for me not to gallop over every POSSIBLE hurdle until or IF the horse (me) was heading that way.  So much information and many many experiences on this wonderful website but it can be so overwhelming.  You will be surrounding by wonderful supportive professionals and ladies like us to guide you through.  

    Big hugs to you.

    Frances x