Life is not as I knew It.

1 minute read time.

The hardest part for me is the speed with which life was turned up side down once the true diagnosis was reached. The brutality with which DFSP smashed into my life and wrenched out of my hands so much of my life,(maybe for a period of time)  its mind blowing.Its hard to express this to loved ones because they are all willing you better, hoping its all going to be alright, and its not that I am not a fighter but there are times when I just want to scream 'this is awful!' .I have never been in hospital before this, now I have spent 21days in differing hospitals, its weird how you adapt to the environment, I even joined in a game of hospital bingo!

I find it difficult when people feel upset on my behalf for the misdiagnosis, I guess my thinking is that if I can get passed this then why should anyone else feel outraged on my behalf,it won't help me recover and anyway the rareness of the tumour probably contributed to the confusion.

The reason I am writing this blog is because it makes me feel better, simple as this, I find it hard to share with my family and my friends.My elderly mother died only six months ago of bowel cancer, she was too frail for surgery, she died peacefully, she was very much apart of our lives and journeying alongside her in the last few months was profoundly difficult and moving.It seemed harsh to develope sarcoma so soon after her death but I guess life is not about fairness.


  • FormerMember

    I too was misdiagnosed with firbroids when infact I had uterine sarcoma, I was misdiagnosed for 10years!!  My consultant now thinks it was a slow growing sarcoma all along.  It has been removed but has spread to my lung and pelvis now.  The excuses were the same as yours "it is so rare etc etc" but you know having been on this site for a while now I wonder how rare as there are an awful lot of sarcoma patients on here!  Sorry about your Mom and I hope that you can get through this, this place is great for getting stuff off your chest that you can't share with your nearest and dearest.

    Jayne xx

  • FormerMember

    Thankyou for your comment Jayne,really sorry you were misdiagnosed too and that it has spread to your lungs and pelvis.I expect the 'rare' comment is a bit of a cop out! Yes its good to be able to express stuff.Getting use to this site only just found your comment, I expect I will get better at blogging over time.

    Amy xx