Debs Daily Deliberations 250

1 minute read time.


The fact my onc popped her head out of the door and said "I haven't seen you for a while, my registrar isn't here yet but make sure I see you"... filled me with dread I replied with "as long as its not for bad news?" ........ "no" she said "everything is fine, I just feel like I haven't seen you for ages".

Well thank goodness I dressed for the occassion eh!  Went in and before I sat down, she told me the scan was absolutely clear, no change from the last one - phewwwwwwwwwwwww can feel my breathing returning to normal.  I told her about the scan disaster and as she filled out the scan request for next February, she wrote "Queens please" across the top and told me if it comes in for King George, to play the "brain tumour card" and explain I had a bad experience there...yadda yadda yadda...........

Imagine my shock, being told to play on my illness by my own oncologist.......we laughed about my memory (and the fact I had left the iron this morning but Tony turned it off) and she told me that as I was doing so well, I didn't need an interim visit at 3 months, I could just go back after my scan in Feb 2010.  Oh and if the next scan is clear, I can go to yearly scans!!!!!!

She told me I would probably know myself when things are getting worse before any scan will.  So thats it, still A OK!!!!!  I know I have felt good but once you have that scan, you start wondering!

So because I was such a good girl and because my phone doesn't get a good signal in our house, we changed up our clubcard vouchers and took advantage of a fab offer in Tesco's and I now have a shiny Samsung Monte with full signal.  Just gotta cancel my 3 contract now (easier said than done!).

Right I am off, going to the pub tonight, for our karate club meeting Indifferent

Thought for today:
Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.
Bishop Desmond Tutu

  • FormerMember

    AS I said on FB brilliant wonderful fabulous news Yippeee.

    Keep Well Debs and Happy New Phone.


  • FormerMember

    That's brilliant!!!!!

    Always think of you as our scans/checks seem to fall around the same time (mine's not till Oct though).

    I know so well that feeling of breathing easy again for the next 6 months or whatever it is.  Long may it continue xxxxx Jeanie

  • Way to go and behave, so that you get those yearly check ups, you must have a massive grin, just make sure peeps don't think its wind ha ha.

    I am waiting to see if they do double value for wine again at tesco's or maybe a trip with virgin at 4x value.

    pleased for


  • FormerMember

    Just the tonic I needed after a crap week. Great news and I am so pleased with it. Not so sure about the phone though. Are you sure you can work it? Oh I forgot - your kids will be able to dazzle you with all of the amazing features - not that you'll be able to remeber them. My granddaughter (age seven) keeps showing me things to do on my phone  - "It's easy. Grandpa!" Yeah right.

    Keep smiling (Great big beams)




  • FormerMember

    Blimey girl, I have been worried all bloody day about you. (Sigh of relief!!!!) Good news chic, can't be doin' with our Deberdee not being well. Good on you mate. Love ya......Carol aka Kezzertrude xx