Debs Daily Deliberations 249

2 minute read time.

Well nothing is ever straightforward anymore..after my MRI I noticed my hand was a bit swollen and put this down to me being such a sensitive soul who doesn't like being poked and prodded and had swollen out of protest.  Not so!

Come Sunday evening and I still can't make a fist or see my knuckles and now my lower forearm was quite tender and warm.  So off to the NHS Walk In Centre we go.  I am sorry I admit it, I am a wannabe snob......I just don't have the property or cashflow to qualify but I have standards.

So in we go with the local dreggs and thats being kind!  First nurse looks at it as we book in and says aggrevated veins (sounds feasible).  Go in to see the "nurse practitioner" who couldn't even find Gadolinium contrast anywhere in their drug bible.  Some whippersnapper doc comes in and doesn't even poke or prod me and says "nope I don't think its infected, but we don't know what Gadolinium is!  Go home, take paracetamol, cold compress & elevate.  If its still bad tomorrow, ring your GP or MRI department." Thanks for the help NOT!

This morning I phoned my neuro-oncology nurse  who checked with my oncologist who in turn was NOT best pleased at whats gone on and said she is certain they ruptured the vein and I have contrast thats seeped into the hand & lower forearm.   They only hope enough of the dye got through to my noggin for the scan!  Oh and why did they use the back of the hand? Don't ask me, I was clamped to the table and hardly in a position to argue with them. The contrast is apparently very dense & thick (like me lol) and using the tiny veins in the back of the hand is NOT a good idea.  Hmmm wish I knew that before the scan!

Its now just a case of keeping an eye on my hand but apparently they will be using this hospital more and more for planned scans so as to keep within their targets (fricken targets!), so I have asked if it has to happen outside of Queens again can I not go to my local hospital (at least they have headphones etc) and I can just take the bus without hubby having to have the day off work.......she seems to think this will be ok...phew!!!!!!!!!!

Back to the torturous wait until the 20th for the results!!

Thought for today:
People take different roads seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road doesn't mean they've gotten lost.
Dalai Lama

  • FormerMember

    Hi Debs ,

    Dense and thick you are definatly not.Back to the waiting game.Take care mate.

    All the best stay safe Big Hugs Love

  • lets hope a few bonfires are lit under a few bums but somehow I guess it will all be forgotten about at the hospital, you might want to complain and ask for it to be logged as a serious incident.

    I had something similar on my first chemo, an intravation where the rituximab went into my arm.

    As it swelled just thought it was due to the volume of fluids so said nothing till we went for the check up and asked was it normal.

    Hope its settling now and no long term after effects.

    Just an idea but you could wear boxing gloves next time that way they may get the message ha ha and they will never get the vein.

    take care


  • FormerMember

    Heys Debs....hopefully your hand/arm gets better soon...its so frustrating when these things happen due to human error but then no one seems to know how to deal with it!! I also hope you dont have to go through all that again and that your scan was clear enough and you get good results too.

  • FormerMember

    When I went for my CT, the nurse told me that a few months ago, they had had to use inferior needles which were blunt!!! The hospital was looking to cut costs and these needles were cheaper (no surprise there lol).  Fortunately by the time I got there, sharp needles were back in stock. I know they have to cut their spending, but blunt needles????

  • FormerMember

    and youre not a snob either - we all just have standards

    ..........very good standards we like to live to

    keep pushing the hosp/docs/nurses - to keep up to your high standards

    keeping fingers crossed for you hun xNx