Utterly numb

1 minute read time.

The news isn't good at all. It seems that there is a tumour on hubby's brain now, confirmed by the mri scan from last week.

I have no feelings to express, no words, no nothing - just tears and more tears. I'm utterly numb and the very person whom I would turn to for comfort and love is still reeling from the news too. My gentle giant, my good and wonderful husband. The love of my life.

We are good people, all our lives together doing the right thing by our family. Leading a simple life, not expecting anything of great import. Hard working, honest, loving, caring. This is the cruellest blow to hit us.

My heart aches so much, it feels physically painful. I just don't know how I'm going to function now. We were just picking up the pieces and trying to reassemble our lives. I don't know why this is happening. I feel sick.

Meeting with the oncologist tomorrow to see what options if any we have. I only hope I can hold it together through the meeting.

I am inconsolable right now, I can't make him better and there is no greater hurt than that.

I have cried and cried all afternoon, it's so exhausting. I don't want to be without him, he is the centre of my world.

I'm so confused and all my thoughts are bad ones.

I only hope some sleep visits me tonight and I can feel a bit better in the morning.

It feels like I'm living in the middle of a tsunami of despair.

Please please Guardian Angel let there be something we can do. My heart can't take anymore sadness.
