Never underestimate the power of a kiss.

Less than one minute read time.

H is improving daily. Great.

H's neck is half recovered. Great.

H's mouth ulcers are on the decline. Great.

Morphine dose slightly reduced. Great.

Awake during day more. Great.

Spots have gone. Great.

Four teaspoons of the blandest soup in the universe eaten. Great.

Laughing at own jokes again. Great.

Reading again. Great.

Weight is stable. Great.

BUT best of all ....................

I can kiss H on the lips once more.

A M A Z I N G,  B R I L L I A N T and  F L I P P I N  G R E A T !!!

After what seems like an eternity (though is probably only a few weeks) I no longer have to peck him on the forehead like he's my elderly relative.

I can actually give him a kiss on the mouth YAY !!!

It does feel like kissing someone new though because all the new skin is perfectly soft and smooth, plus of course he only has five teeth in his head now. But I'm liking this turning the corner.

It's the little things in life that truly make the difference to our day.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Summerleaze ... sounds like everything is looking just great ! I also found it great when my lips ' worked ' and I could finally kiss my hubby's cheek : )

    It's been a long-haul journey for you both but slowly things are improving ... well done !

    Joycee x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Summerleaze.  It's lovely to read of your husband's progress.  I know it's been a tough time for you both.  I remember that these small improvements mean so much.  Best wishes to you both. x

  • FormerMember

    Hello Summerleaze.

    A kiss is such a lovely thing to give and receive, I am so pleased for you both. :) Mushty X

  • FormerMember

    Fantastic, he must feel he's won the Lottery to get those kisses never mind your own happiness.

    I really know where you are coming from, I can't kiss my OH at the moment & I miss it desperately. Bless you both.

  • FormerMember

    What a terrific blog. Beautiful. Enjoy every kiss to the full. As Margaret853 said, small improvements mean so much, but they aren't that small, they are enormous and full of joy.