A new sense of direction

1 minute read time.

Thanks everyone for your comments and kind words I really do  appreciate it. Life has become very topsy-turvy recently particularly since I've left home.

 I also want to thank everyone for their ideas, I really was struggling to think how any good could come from being away from home and what to do next but I have a better understanding of how to approach the problem now and for that im very grateful.

I've had a long discussion with my parents tonight I hadn't told them how much I was struggling and I decided to be honest with them this time rather than bottle it up. I've decided to talk to my tutors tomorrow and let them know about everything as hard as that's going to be.

I still feel terrible about leaving mum, that's not going to change. My parents think I should make a balance between home and university ie) coming home for the weekends.

In terms of where im at now:

1) there are student counselling services and support phone lines that I think I will use.

2) I still am unsure about telling my friends, I don't know what to say, I don't want the attention of it all as well. I just want life to carry on normally or at least as close to that as possible.


Today has been okay, my mood has improved. There seem to be the days that feel awful and the days that go okay. Ive been trying to keep myself busy but that's sometimes harder than it sounds.

I hope everyone else's battles having been going well for them. 



  • FormerMember

    Hello tequileo.  Well done for having the conversation with your parents.  It's also excellent that you have decided to tell your tutors what is going on.  I think you will find the student counselling services a great help too.  I'm sure you must feel terrible about leaving your Mum but it seems you have worked out a good compromise about coming home for the weekends.  Take care xx

  • FormerMember

    Morning tequileo, don't be reluctant abut telling your friends. Remember cancer is not uncommon. I have my own one man crusade to get people to talk about cancer and depression as thought they are talking about what they saw on the TV or a big sports match, in other words, as everyday events. You will find peer support is the best you can get, and as I have found out, you even find new and surprising friends when people know. One of your friends may have had a family member who has had cancer and can understand what you are going through. And even if that is not the case, as when I was a student, it stood me in good stead for the future and to be able to help others.

    I also agree with Margaret853 you did the right thing talking to your parents.
