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Hi, I am 23 and my mum/ bestest friend passed away on 3rd of august  she was only 45 she was diagnosed with glioblastoma at the beginning of June and we was told she would of had 12 to 18 months, but we only got 8 weeks with her so it was so quicker then we could ever could of imagine since she has been gone I haven’t know what to do with myself we literally did everything together didn’t spend a moment away from each other and now I am without her I am really struggling, I even feel guilty for still being alive when I have always been with her and just feel very alone is this a normal feeling?
I’ve just never experienced pain like this before

thank you x 

  • Tashajade, my darling, we all feel your pain and grief and send our love and condolences. 

  • Do not feel guilty,  your mum wouldn't want you to,  so stop. You obviously loved your mum an awful lot and she must have loved you  back ten times more, as a parent I know.. and I wouldn't want either of my daughters to feel guilty when I go. I don't know how long I have left, I have cancer, but seeing my children  and talking to them every day makes it easier. Your mum wouldn't want you in pain and guilt, you must have been very close .    I am trying to help, to find something to say that would comfort you, from my perspective,  I would be happy and smiling to have the love you and your mum had.  Its hard and life goes on, so chin up young lady, make your mum proud. Much love xxx

  • I do feel for you as I lost my lovely mum too from the same cervical cancer I now have. I was 16 and she was only 45. The only thing I can say is that is does get better as you learn to live with the awful pain and it lessens as time passes. The pain and sense of loss you feel now is absolutely normal. It sounds as if you had great times together. Cherish those precious memories x