Oh no, I'm back

2 minute read time.

I really love this place but generally it's difficult for me to talk about myself.


 Everything is so difficult for me lately. I know, people expect us to smile and say everything is great. But what if it's not? This past month I've been coughing a lot!! The coughing during the day is tolerable and not so bad. But then as it gets to about 7-8 pm the coughing gets difficult. When this happens I practically glue myself to the sofa so that my back will have some support. However my neck and chest are very painful by the time I can relieve the coughing late at night. So can you blame me for waking up late to work today (9:15 am!!!)


 My treatment now consists of chemo. The name of the chemo is treaky so I won't even try to write it down. It's a weekly joy. I do it just before the weekend starts so that I have all the weekend to sleep or lay weak in bed and then another long week begins in a full time job that pays not enough, in almost bankrupt company. I have no challenge at work, no difficult assignments but to stay awake until the end of the work day. I would have gone job hunting only that I don't have the time or energy to do this.


This weekend I was reminded that I'm still a young woman. I had a slight period. It freaked me because I haven't had one for more than 3 years due to the anti hormonal treatment I received when the cancer was first diagnosed. And from what I understood estrogen is my worst enemy and so no more periods for me. Just to be sure I went to the E.R. to get checked by a gynocoligt who confirmed it. He said that I'm still fertile - slightly. So.... estrogen is back. And I'm wondering if it's still bad for me. I have all these questions - estrogen good/bad? coughing side effect of chemo or new m___ (I can't even write it). So I called the onc's secretary yesterday to change the appointment and today she said it'll be in 2 weeks (originally it was in a month). Oh well. At least it's earlier.


Good night all you beautiful souls who are reading my post. It make me feel better to know that someone will read this.

  • FormerMember

    Hi DDeedee

    You sound as if you are having a terrible time att he moment. I know how hard it is when nothing seems to be right and going well. The wondering about things doesnt help either.

    To that end Im so pleased the oncologist will be able to see you earlier.

    I wish you a restful time until then and I will be keeping you in my thoughts.

    Kim xx

  • FormerMember

    So sorry to hear of the bad time you are having. I hope you have someone to go with you to the oncologist to make sure you ask all the questions that are bothering you. It is all to easy to forget some when you are on your own. If not, write down what you want to know and make sure you get answers.


  • FormerMember

    thanks for your kind words and great advice.

    So far I have a long list of questions to ask the one on Monday. He'd better answer all these questions or else haha ..... Yesterday night drove to e.r. and was diagnosed with bad case of pneumonia. I got extra strength antibiotics of 2 different kinds. If this won't work, then it's not pneumonia.