a whole lot meds for fighting little cancer

1 minute read time.

hi everybody,

I haven't been here for ages.

Just a small update about myself. After almost 2 years with Tamoxifen which is the only anti hormonal medicine for women my age(that and shots or surgery to put the ovaries to sleep), and after trying for a short time a med for post menopausal women, doc said it's about time to move on to chemo. Even though I knew it was the only option, I was so scared when he said it out loud. So now, about 5 weeks after I started the new treatment of chemo(pills)+biological(IV), I am still overwhelmed. I still get the Zometa (iv for bones) and the shots to keep my ovaries sleeping. Even though I'm so grateful for this super cancer fight treatment, I'm sooooo tired of it all. I get the Zometa once every 4 weeks, the Decapeptyl shots once every 3 months, the Avastin(biological) every 3 weeks and the oncologist appointment every 6 weeks. But it turned out that next week I get all of them at once and by Thursday I start out witht the next cycle of Xeloda (4 pills in the morning and 4 in the evening). It's just too much. Three times next week to see the hospital is more than enough.

After 2 years of treatment in that hospital I can't see that place anymore. I get angry and fraustrated every time I get inside the hospital. And just before the move to chemo, I got radiation for my back so I needed to see the hospital every day for almost 3 weeks. I am so tired physically and emotionally, and there I have mood swings that change by the second. Also I don't think before I speak or decide something, I make foolish choices that get me in trouble at work and with friends and family. I don't know if it's because of stress or change in hormones because I stoped with the anti hormone treatment.

After all I've been through, the pain, the broken bone in my back, the surgery for the back, the surgery for the breast, stopping my fertility abruptly, the chemo, the terrible news that I can't be cured of cancer, after all that I've been through and done it on my own and kept strong,  now I feel so weak and tired, and fraustrated.


  • FormerMember

    Aww D, you're being hammered with loads of different dsrugs ... I think you're allowed to feel weak and tired sometimes.  The strength to deal with it is still lurking, just taking a little rest, it'll be back!

    I'm pre-menopausal too and did the Zoladex (monthly injection) and had Arimidex as a daily tablet, apparently I'm not suitable for Tamoxifen. The three months I had with the anti-hormone stuff I felt like an old crock! Mood swings weren't too bad though ... I think my first series of chemo got that out of my system. Given some time maybe you'll settle with the new regime you've got?

    Hospital side is another. We know we need it but we don't really want to live around hospital appointments. Can they do anything about tying in your Zometa and other IV stuff to the same appointment? I have my Zometa every three weeks so, although my chemo is a weekly IV I can have the Zometa at the same time every third week, saving an extra appointment.

    Good luck with it all, that spark will come back.

    Bad Fairy x

  • FormerMember

    aww dee, you have had it rough.... i know we all get sick and tired of hospitals... for me i just accept that it has to be part of my life now... well has been for the last 11 years, althogh more than ever over the last 2.... but i just tell myself  that the treatment is worth it ... because the alternative is of course death... and sometimes that is what it boils down too....

    you will bounce back as bad fairy says...

    good luck


  • FormerMember

    All that and you work as well! You must be a very strong person. I wish you well and my thoughts are with you. Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    thanks so much for your replies. I'm taking it easy this weekend. Lots of rest.

    I feel a lot better. The cold I had last week is almost gone.

    jujuc53, I started working full time 3 months ago(9 hours a day) and during that time I started Arimidex (after I was told a day before I started this new job that tamoxifen stopped working and that the cancer in the vertebra that broke has moved to the spine). So then he called me and said that he consulted a radiologist and he's sure that I'd need radiotherapy. So then I had radiotherapy for 2.5 weeks after work. And then in the next checkup he concluded that Arimidex wasn't doing anything for me and that chemo is needed.

    As you can understand, since I started working everything with treatments was crazy. However, I don't think it's due to work that all this has happened and I kind of like the people at work and what I do there. I'm not ready to give it up. My bosses know about my situation, but everyone else don't know. So sometimes when they see me that I'm sooo tired, my co-workers say something like "you had too much partying last night?" and I nod "yeah, that's me, party animal".