hey diddle diddle dawns had a piddle !!!!!

4 minute read time.

Well back to hospital yesterday for a cystogram on my bladder, staff in xray remembered me from October, must be my charm (maybe not) just the bladder !!  Well I laid down on that slim bed trying not to show my bum to the staff, those hospital gowns give you no dignity, left me knickers on thinking they can xray through that, but no had to have them taken off by a nurse, glad it wasnt a male nurse lol !!! 

So they filled my bladder and i was trying to see the screen, leaks or no leaks thats what i desparately need to know!! You would think i was a model, turn this way, put your amrs in the air, turn back, straighten your legs, actually come to think of it they werent interested in my face, must have thought i was too ugly  :-(   

Wheeled back to the ward by a nice porter who incidently remembered me from September, "you were in bed 9 last time werent you"   "errr"" i replied, yes i was!!  how strange i cant remember what happened yesterday never mind months ago !!!  Actually he was right, as i walked round the ward yesterday I checked it was bed nine and yes he was right !!  

Then whilst i was drinking my non alcholic WATER  there was a load of people coming and going all dressed in fancy clothes.  Maybe it was a fashion show and they wanted me to be a model after all,  well i had a nice hospital gown on, lovely fluffy dressing gown, and cute slippers, but no they rushed past my room, so obviously i am an ugly duckling. 

I asked the nurse, whats going on and she said there was a wedding on ward 18, a cancer patient was getting married as he didnt have long left.  The nurses had decorated the ward with the help of the patients family, it looked lovely all purple and silver and the bride in purple to match.  Aw how sad and how lovely it was.

Then doctor arrived, had a chat, apologised yet again for the damage he caused on my first op and said i was a remarkable woman to go through what i had and not complained once, and hey i was one of his favourite patients. He said i have never heard you moan and you always have a smile on your face.    Bless him, as long as he doesnt miss anything on my next check up.  We chatted about him moving house, recommended a good estate agent, not me as we dont cover that area, and had a long chat about the housing market !

Meeting took place at 1pm, to look at the xray results, doctors arrived to tell me the good news, you bladder is no longer leaking !! hoooooooorrrrraaaahhhh !!  He said we can start taking one catheter out, blocking one and see how you go !!   Need more water, need some now (after all i am a waterholic)  another jug arrived with a beaming smile (god i felt like i was drowning in the stuff) "drink up the more you drink the more it will stretch your bladder".  

So here goes, glug, glug, glug, glug, woah i get a stinging sensation and hey presto i need to run to the ensuite bathroom, oh it hurts but yes i managed a wee, aren't i a good girl, think i need a present cos i have finally done it, nurses laughed thought i was mad (well actually they already know, they have known me for four months). 

So an hour later and about six piddles they removed the 2nd catheter, if i can wee ok i can go home, well glug, glug, glug, glug, god i am sick of been a waterholic, but after 10 mins i rush to my ensuite bathroom and hey done it again !! oh i am a clever girl.

Hour later i was told the good news, you can go home, i had the gown off as soon as she walked out of the door, and went to pick up my two handbags, prada and gucci,  and realised i didnt have them any more ! wow it felt strange, no tubes, didnt think i would reach the end but i can see the way out of here !!

Steve came to pick me up with a beaming smile, thank god its over, he held my hand and we walked the walk to the exit, YIPPEEEE am homeward bound.  Sat in the car and oh dear i needed a jimmy riddle, well pelvic floor, you gunna have to do the biz, and off we went over every bump in the road, hit every traffic light, and arrived home.  Left Steve whilst i run to the bathroom to have a piddle. 

Phones ringing, and a lot of talking from family and friends, between going to the bathroom, i eventually decided i needed to go to bed.  Up the dicky dancers (thats what my dad called the stairs when i was little) and into bed, slept like a baby (well not really cos i didnt pee my pants) but woke up thinking oh i need a wee !!   Only one in the night and woke up with a beaming smile, i am actually normal, still tired and wound it sore but NORMALITY CAN RESUME AS FROM TODAY !!!!!!!
