Treading water

1 minute read time.

I feel like we are just treading water now.

I can't make plans for anything more than a couple of weeks ahead, because I don't know if we would be able to carry them out. Our daughter is singing with something for school and we need to buy tickets, do I or don't I get tickets. How quickly will David deteriate.

David thinks we should get a starlift, but I don't know if we would get the use out of it.

Also it could take 3-4 weeks before it gets installed, he dosen't really need it at the moment, but he wants it there ready for when and if he needs it, what if he dosen't get much worser and therefore dosen't need /use it. What if when he deteriotes he takes to his bed and dosen't want/ is unable to come down stairs.

I wish someone could say an approximate date, just like when you are pregnant and they tell you the date you are due - mind you all 3 of mine were 2 weeks late. At least we would have an idea and something to work towards.

I wish I knew what was around the corner, what to expect, how quickly David will deteriote and what signs to look for.

I hate not knowing, and that it's not until you have been through it that you find out what to expect.

I feel like David is the only person to have this type of cancer / senario, yet I know that others must have been through this, others must have had secondary brain cancer after recovering from the primary cancer. Surely we are not alone, someone must be able to say "David will appear fine and one day won't wake up" or "David will appear fine, but one day will wake with his headache returning and about a week (or whatever) will be gone".

I want to know so I know what to expect, is that so wrong? It certainly would appear so when talking to doctors/consultants etc.

Did anyone else with a terminal brain tumour purchase / hire a stairlift or wish they had but left it to late?


  • FormerMember

    Nobody knows anything for certain when it comes to cancer. My husband was told that he'd start feeling ill in 6 Months - and that was 2 1/2 Years ago.... and he's still feeling "well" (relatively speaking)...

    But it is a question many people ask - probably to prepare for the future, and perhaps to gain some control - But there Is No Control!!!

    Sending you Big Hugs, Sue!!!! I know how frustrating this can be.

    Lots of love to you and hubby and the kids.

    Mo    xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue,

    Re. stairlift - why don't you talk to Macmillan nurse. I have no idea about these things, how much they cost, or whether you will get help to pay for one. But, my gut instinct says - if he wants one, get it.

    I feel for you, children and David in this impossible, cruel situation. And send you all lots of love, hugs, kisses and good thoughts.

    Jo x

  • FormerMember


    I agree with Jo, if David wants a stairlift then try to get it, again i kinow nothing about them sorry.  I will say unfortunately our control is taken once the cancer monster moves in, however hard that is there is nothing we can do but to wait.

    We dont know what is around the corner and sometimes it is a good job we dont.  All i know is that whatever this monster intends for me I live each day to the full and spend as much time with my family as possible. Lifes perspectives change completely.

    Love, strength & hugs

    Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sue,

    I have read Nic,s comments and I always listen to the people who have gone through the same experience.

    What Nic,s says she is saying from the heart and knows what shes talkling about. As to the stairlift Im sorry I have

    no idea how to get one except through any second hand

    adverts in the papers. Sorry.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for your comments.

    Regarding the stair lift, we (David) has looked into this. It is only cost effective to hire one for 6 months or less, after 6 months it works out cheaper to have purchased it.

    We have some shares which we would have to sell in order to afford the stai lift, I have no idea if we would qualify for a grant towards costs.

    We are seeing the Macmillian nurse next Monday, so we can raise the question then.

    Many Thanks