August Update

1 minute read time.

Just to let you all know David is feeling a bit better.

Still hasn't been to the loo yet (no 2's) he is passing water and has been a bit squitty but as the GP said if not much is going in then not much is gonna come out. Too much detail, sorry move on quick.

He says he still fells full up and constipated, but the waves of pain have died down, not sure if that's due to increasing his steriods, or due to the laxotose. Anyway, whatever he is not in as much pain so that is a good thing.

He still isn't eating much, so far he has had 3 spoons of yogurt, 2 scoops of ice cream and a pot of Ambrosia rice pudding. Oh yeah and he just nicked a couple of my caramel nibbles.

He is drinking a couple of cups of tea, so that is a good sign too.

Still in bed, and I have been bribing the kids to take it in turns to sit / play upstairs, and also to be good while I am sitting upstairs with him.

He is starting to look better and not so pasty, fingers crossed as the kids want to go out next Tuesday with some friends and if he is still like this I won't want to leave him on his own, so we won't be able to go.


  • FormerMember

    Oh Nanny B, thank you. The kids would love the dog.

    Perhaps we could just put the 2 men in a room together to keep each other company, and they can complain about us to each other.

    My sister and her hubby came over yesterday and took all 3 kids out for the afternoon (3 hours). David wanted a shower so I helped him, and gave him a shave and hair cut - which I enjoyed, it is actually quite theraputic.

    It was nice to having to worry about the children causing mayhem. We live near Surbiton, but as you say the kids will soon be back at school. The oldest has a school residential trip for a week the second week back so that will be one less, though I will miss her.

    Hoping to go out with some friends tomorrow.

    And I know what you mean about time scales, he complains if it takes longer than half an hour to take the kids to school. How are we meant to clean the dishes and the toilets, if we are in the same room as them all day? Men they really need to think it through don't they?

    Thanks to everyone for your comments.
